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it is unknown im afriad

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1d ago

The optimum concentration of amylase varies depending on the specific enzyme and its source. Generally, concentrations between 1-10 mg/mL are commonly used for enzymatic reactions. It is important to determine the optimal concentration experimentally for each specific application.

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Q: What is the optimum concentration of amylase?
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Optimum pH of sweet potato amylase?

optimum pH of amylase from sweet potato is about 6.0

What is the pH optimum of alpha amylase?

The optimum pH is neutral, 7.

What is the optimum temperature of bacteria amylase?

38 deg C

What pH does salivary amylase function best?

The optimum pH of salivary amylase is 6.8 (slightly acidic).

Does the optimum pH of salivary amylase differ from plant amylase?

Yes. Some plants are found to have amylase as well, such as those plants with high levels of starch, and they are the same types of amylase.

What is the optimum pH for amylase activity at pH?

The optimum pH of a bacterial amylase depends on the species of bacterium. One review of different species found optima ranging from pH 4 to 11.To take one example, the α-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA) has an optimum pH of 6.Bacterial amylases are important in a number of industrial processes.

What are the best conditions in pH for amylase protese and lipase?

Amylase has an optimal pH range of 6.7 - 7.0 and an optimal temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is what would be expected of an enzyme that needs to be in its most active form in the saliva of the mouth.

Does amylase work in acid or alkali?

Amylase works best in a slightly alkaline environment, with an optimum pH range of 6.7 to 7.0. It can also function in slightly acidic conditions, but its activity decreases as pH deviates from the optimum range.

Where does Amylase work in the gut?

In the mouth, salivary amylase works to break down cooked starch into maltose. The duodenum (first part of the small intestine), pancreatic amylase works to do the same. Amylase only works in these places because they provide the optimum pH conditions for amylase to work (range from pH 6 - 8).

Why does freezing have an effect on amylase?

Freezing should have an effect on amylase. Amylase is an enzyme, which is therefore a protein, and has optimum conditions. Freezing it will severely slow it down, and I'm pretty sure will denature it, so yes it will completely reduce if not stop the effect of amylase. Freezing does not denature enzymes, heat does.

Does ethanol affect salivary amylase activity?

Yes it does. As the concentration of EtOH increases, the ability of amylase to degrade starch lessens. That is, the rate at which starch is decomposed is less in magnitude as the concentration of ethanol increases.

What is the opitmal pH for salivary amylase?

identify two pH values at which salivary amylase activity stop?