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You first need to start out with the Fit Test, and then their is really no order to the other videos that I can tell. I know your supposed to do the Recovery video once a week, and the fit test once every two weeks in order to measure your improvement.

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Q: What is the order of the INSANITY videos?
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What would you recommend for Fitness videos?

The best Fitness videos are P90X and Insanity. Jillian Michaels also has a large variety of Fitness videos. The 10 minute trainer is a good fast workout for toning.

What is the order of insanity workout DVD?

you can google the calender in images and it will list the order on the calender

What is the best Fitness video on the market?

Yes, Jillian Michaels does offer a variety of Fitness videos that you can buy in DVD format. There are other Fitness videos like P90X and Insanity that have great workouts as well.

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BeachBody is a fitness based company. You can purchase a few different fitness dvd's from them. A few that are available are P90X, Insanity and Turbo Fire.

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Some videos aimed at quick fat burning are: Turbo Jam, Shaun T.'s Insanity, and Yoga Booty Ballet. Visit for tons of fat-burning titles.

In What order do you do the insanity workout dvd's?

there is really no order, you are just supposed to start with what you need most then do what you need second most then so on. :)

How do you use insanity in a sentence?

it was a mark of insanity

Can insanity be an antonym to creativity?

No, insanity is the antonym of sanity.

Can anybody give a link to a site with quotes about insanity?

See page for insanity:

Can you order harassment training videos, or do you need to have people come in to make a presentation?

You can order the harassment training videos but it more easier to get across the main point with live demonstration. You can definitely order harrassment training videos. In fact, you can actually view videos online with interactive features.

Why is the insanity defense bad?

The insanity defense is alright as long as it is not used in just any case situation involving a murder. An insanity defense may allow a defendant who is mentally competent and has no history of mental illness to fake a specific mental disorder like Dissociative Identity Disorder (like in a Law & Order SVU episode titled "Alternate") and use it as a way to plead "not guilty by reason of insanity."

What are the most effective Fitness workouts?

You can try Fitness videos like Insanity or 30 Day Shred that are advertised to guarantee results within a certain amount of time (for example, a month).