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an orderly display of magnifed images of a individual's chromosomes.

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Q: What is the orderly display of magnified images of each chromosome?
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What uses electrons to produce magnified images?

If you mean what uses electrons to produce magnified images, that would be the electron microscope (EM), of which there are several types.

Produces greatly magnified images of surface details?

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What is a tool used to produce magnified images of distance objects?

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What do electron microscopes use to produce magnified images?

a beam of electrons :)

What is the difference between electron microscopes?

Electron microscopes and what ... Light microscopes produce magnified images by focusing visible light rays. Electron microscopes produce magnified images by focusing beams of electrons

How do microscopes produce magnified images?

The concave and the convection of the lenses.

Light microscopes use beams of electrons to produce magnified images?

No, a light microscope uses focused light (photons) to produce a magnified image. An electron microscope uses beams of electrons to create a magnified image.

Is light microscopes use beams of electrons to produce magnified images?

No, a light microscope uses focused light (photons) to produce a magnified image. An electron microscope uses beams of electrons to create a magnified image.

Produces a greatly magnified image of internal details?

TEM produces a greatly magnified image of internal detail. SEM produces greatly magnified images of surface details. Aerobic respiration is the process that produces large amounts of ATP.

Jobs of microscopes?

It produces magnified images of structures that are too small to see with the unaided eye.

What type of images form a concave mirror?

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What are compounds light microscope?

light microscopes produce magnified images by focusing visible light rays.