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filaments and ovary

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Q: What is the organ of reproduction in flowering plants as the crocus and gladiolus?
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What role do flowers play in flowering plants?


What do you mean by flowering and non flowering plants?

A flower is the organ of reproduction of the higher plants or Spermaphytes. Non flowering plants such as ferns and mosses reproduce by spores therefore do not require flowers.

Flowering plants are separated from nonflowering plants at what level?

Flowering plants are separated from non-flowering plants at the meiosis stage of reproduction. This will happen when the mega spores are divided to form different taxonomic levels. .

What level are flowering plants separated from nonflowering plants?

Flowering plants are separated from non-flowering plants at the meiosis stage of reproduction. This will happen when the mega spores are divided to form different taxonomic levels. .

Do flowering plants use their flowers to make seeds for reproduction?


Which method of reproduction cannot be reproduced by non-flowering plants?


Do flowering plants use seeds for reproduction?

Only some plants do that.But not only some time.

What is the process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants?

the male plants pollen goes inside the female plants ovary.. doi!

Where does sexual reproduction in flowering plants occur?

In the flower when the pollen from an anther is transferred to the stigma.

Do flowering plants use their flowers to make seeds for reproduction or conifers?

I think seeds

What are two main characteristics scientist use when classifying plants?

The two main characteristics scientists use when classifying plants are reproduction and flowering capability. The flowering plants are known as angiosperms and are the largest group of plants.

What materials do cone bearing plants produce for reproduction?

how do conebearing plants reproduce their own kind