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Q: What is the origin of the proverb A black hen lays a white egg?
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What does the french proverb a black hen lays a white egg mean?

It's similar to "Don't judge a book by its cover". What you perceive from how something appears, may not be what it truly is.

What bird is brown and lays an egg the size of a jelly bean With black spots and the egg is white?


Do white chickens lay a brown egg periodacally?

The feather color of a chicken does not affect the color of the eggs she lays. It is the breed of the hen that determines the egg color. A chicken that lays white eggs does not drop a brown egg every now and then either, a white egg layer will always lay white eggs. I have several white Araucana hens who lay Lavender colored eggs and a Black Cochin hen who lays light brown eggs (not black eggs)

What breed of chichen lays jumbo eggs?

Rhode Island Reds, Buff Sex links, White Leghorns, Black Australorp.

What colour eggs from a black tail chicken?

you can't tell the color of eggs by the color of a chicken's tail. with the exception of auracanas and americaunas (they lay green-blue eggs) you tell by the color of a chicken's earlobe. if it is white it lays white eggs...if it is red it lays a shade of brown eggs.

What is a white legged horn?

white leghorn is a production breed hen that lays white eggs.

What insects lay black eggs?

what bug lays tiny black eggs

What is white has feathers and lays eggs?

A Leghorn hen.

What bird lays small white eggs?


What kind of Angry Birds lays the eggs?

the white bird

What insect or animal lays small hardshelled white eggs which were found inside swimmingpool main powerswitch?

The insect that lays small, hard shelled white eggs is probably an ant that is black in color. This type of ant is commonly called a carpenter ant. Carpenter ants like to lay eggs away from the nest in warm, damp places.

What kinda of bird lay white eggs?

A chicken lays white eggs which are the eggs that we eat in the morning.