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Q: What is the origin of the term Protestant churches emerge?
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What is the difference between the church of Ireland and a protestant?

Protestant is a broad term for a number of Christian religions. The Church of Ireland is one of the Protestant Churches in Ireland.

What is the term Protestant Reformation from?

The term "Protestant Reformation" refers specifically to the period in 16th century Europe where Martin Luther and other figures in the Church declared "independence" from the Catholic Church on account of perceived or actual grievances against them. This resulted in the formation of numerous Protestant churches such as the Lutheran, Calvinist, Anabaptist, and Anglican churches.

What is the name of the donation plate in church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no such term as donation plates are only used in protestant churches.

Is anyone who is not a Roman Catholic considered a Protestant?

The term is meant to apply to Christians whose denomination originates from the Protestant Reformation. Usually this means Christians who are not of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, or Anglican churches. However, the term can be controversial, as not all people agree on who is or is not Protestant. For example, many groups a Catholic person would likely refer to as Protestant would not call themselves that.

What was a long term result of martin luthers protest?

A new emphasis on The Bible among Protestant Christians protestant churches where simpler, plainer and looked like shacks compared to catholic churches. religious wars broke out between catholic and Luthern princes. 30 years after the peace of Augsburg occurred. the bible was translated from Latin to German. southern Europe mostly catholic.

What was long term result of Martin Luther's protest?

A new emphasis on The Bible among Protestant Christians protestant churches where simpler, plainer and looked like shacks compared to catholic churches. religious wars broke out between catholic and Luthern princes. 30 years after the peace of Augsburg occurred. the bible was translated from Latin to German. southern Europe mostly catholic.

What was a long-term result of Martin Luther's protest?

Formation of the Protestant faiths (still Christians but are referred to as Protestant instead of Catholic). These include, but are not limited to: Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist...

What is protestant religon?

A protestant religion is one which grows from an established religion, in protest at what the older church is doing, whether because of action, inaction or a conflict in interpretation. In Christianity, this includes all of the many Protestant churches, such as Anglicanism, the Mormons and the JWs; this is where the term is most often used and connected with. There are similar but not commonly known groups for most other religions as well.

The narrator's use of the derogatory term papist suggest that he is?

A bigoted protestant.

Term that describes the type of economics that allowed protestant countries to gain wealth?


What is the religion of Protestantism?

It refers to a wide variety of Christian churches - many of the non-catholic churches are included in this category. From the Wikipedia article: "The term is most closely tied to those groups that separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation."

How did protestants get their name?

Protestantism originated around 1539. The word comes from German and French, protestant.