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Most likely the outside air but another possible answer would be the brounchus, lungs, windpipe, etc.

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Q: What is the original source of oxygen in the alveoli?
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What gas enters the alveoli?

Oxygen is removed from the alveoli by the cappillaries.

Oxygen diffuse into the blood at the alveoli?

Carbon dioxide does.

How can the oxygen you bring into your body get to your circulatory system?

your lungs have structures called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillary beds which carry blood. The oxygen enters the alveoli when you inhale. The oxygen then diffuses from high concentration in your alveoli to low concentration the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

How can the oxygen you bring in to your body get into your circulatory system?

your lungs have structures called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillary beds which carry blood. The oxygen enters the alveoli when you inhale. The oxygen then diffuses from high concentration in your alveoli to low concentration the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

Where is the oxygen in greater concentrations in the alveoli or in the blood?

alveoli son..

How does partial pressure affect the movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood?

Partial pressure affects the movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood because it is the main driving force for oxygen movement in the lungs.Oxygen passes from the air to the fluid within the alveoli, into the cell of the alveoli.

What does the oxygen molecule do when it is in the alveoli?

It diffuses into the blood capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

What does the Alveoli and the capillaires do?

Alveoli takes oxygen in and brings out carbon dioxide.

Does oxygen move from the alveoli into the bloodstream?

i dont noww , alveoli is stupid

What is the site where oxygen enters the pulmonary blood?

Oxygen enters the blood in the alveoli of the lungs

Where are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged in the lungs?

oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in alveoli (singular alveolus).

What are the small sacs in the lungs where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen?

The humorus