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Q: What is the other name for Mount McKinley named after?
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What native name is Mount McKinley named after?

William dickey was digging for gold in the sands of the Susitna river and he wrote, after his return to the lower states, an account in the New York Sun “We named our great peak Mount McKinley, after William McKinley of Ohio, who had been nominated for the Presidency”. =D

What president last name was the name of a mountain?

Mt. McKinley in Alaska was named after then president William McKinley. It is the tallest mountain in North America. Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern US. Mount Wilson is the site of a famous observatory.

What was the previous name of Mount McKinley?

Mount monkey

What is Mount McKinley's original name?


What is the name of the hightest mountain in Alaska?

Mount McKinley

What is the name of America's highest mountain?

mount McKinley

What is the nickname for mount McKinley?

Another name for mont McKinley would be Denali

Where Mt Whitney national park located?

There is no park with that name. Mount Whitney is within Sequoia National Park. Mount McKinley -- a name given for purely political reasons -- is within Denali National Park, previously known as Mount McKinley National Park.

What is the name of the hightest mountain in US?

Mount Whitney is the highest peak in Continental united states. The highest in the entire united state is Mount McKinley in Alaska.

In what state is Mount McKinley?

Mount McKinley is in the state of Alaska

What is the very tall peak's name that is found in Alaska?

Mount McKinley is in Alaska.

What state is Mount McKinley?

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska. The name Mt. McKinley was the official name recognized by the United States government from 1917 until 2015. In August 2015, following the 1975 lead of the state of Alaska, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced the change of the official name of the mountain to Denali.