

What is the other name for WBC's?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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The other name of wbc's is leukocytes.

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Q: What is the other name for WBC's?
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Why is the immune system not a part of the 11 main organ systems?

Because the components of the immune system are part of the other systems. The WBCs are part of the cardiovascular system; the production of WBCs is part of the skeletal system, etc.

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What happen if rbc is more than wbc in your blood?

There are usually more RBCs than WBCs. If you have an abnormal increase in WBCs, you have an infection or leukemia (a type of cancer).

How is the wbcs called?

White blood cells WBCS or leukocytes are cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials.

What percent of white blood count are lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes are one of the five types of white blood cells (WBCs), the other four being monocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils. Lymphocytes normally account for 25-33% of total WBCs.

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What does the Buffy coat of a hematocrit test contain?

WBCs and platelets

Why is there a WBC in urine?

in urinary tract inf. wbcs are in urine.

What will polycythemia vera result in?

Overproduction of WBCs (white blood cells)

What color cell attacks germs?

White blood cells (WBCs).

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What are the 5 lymphatic organs?

1) THYMUS: located just above your heart. It releases WBCs. WBCs travel to other areas in the cartiovascular system. the thymus is the gland that produces cells that are ready to fight infection. 2) SPLEEN: largest lymphatic organ. stores and produces lymphocytes. located in upper left side of your abdomin. It fills blood. 3) TONSILS: located at the back of the nasal cavity, on side of the throat, and back of tounge. WBCs in tonsils defend body against infection. 4) I have no clue and i am trying to find this out.