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Q: Which property of wbcs allows them to fight against germs?
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What does white cells fight against?

White blood cells are able to swallow germs.

What helps fight infections and germs?

One of the most important guards against infections and germs is proper hand washing with soap and water.

What is the role of a vaccine?

A vaccination is weakened germs of a disease. When you get injected with these germs, your body build an immunity against it, so when you really get the disease, your body can fight it off.

Why do you need germs on your body?

The human body can handle some germs in the body it helps the body learn to fight and build up an immunity. The body will learn what is foreign like a bacteria and fight against it to promote health. A flu shot is putting a little bit of the flu germs in our body so the body can build up antibodies against it.

What helps to to fight infections and get rid of germs?

Other "good" germs help fight infections.Antibiotics are used to get rid of "bad" germs.

What helps fight infection and get rid of germs?

Other "good" germs help fight infections.Antibiotics are used to get rid of "bad" germs.

What part of the blood fight germs?

The white blood cells

Which blood cell helps us fight germs?

The white blood cells help us to fight germs.

How does your body battle against germs?

our body has blood which contains w b c which removes germs and fights against the germs

What is the main function of the white bloood cells?

To fight against germs and bacteria that can cause disease and infections. The cells work as part of the immune system.

What are the roles of organisms?

to fight germs

What is main function of white blood cells?

To fight against germs and bacteria that can cause disease and infections. The cells work as part of the immune system.