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The Federals referred to both battles as the first or second Battle of Bull Run.

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Q: What is the other name of the battle of first manassas?
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What is the other name for the battle of mananas?

The other name for the Battle of Manassas is the First Battle of Bull Run. It was the first major land battle of the American Civil War, fought on July 21, 1861, near Manassas, Virginia.

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What was the confederate name for the first battle of the civil war?

The First Battle of Bull Run aka First Battle of Manassas.

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First Bull Run (Union name for it) or First Manassas (Confederate name)

What was the northern name of the Battle of Bull Run?

The battle of manassas was the name

What was the southern name of the Bull Run?

The First Battle of the Bull Run was also called the First Manassas.

What was the southern name for the Bull Run?

The name that the south called for the Battle of Bull run was Manassas.

What was the unions name for the battle of manassas?

Bull Run

What was the southerns name for the Battle of Bull Run?

The South called the battles of Bull Run: First and Second Manassas.

What was another name given to the Battle of Bull Run?


What is Bull Run's second name?

If you mean Battle of Bull Run, then it is Battle of Manassas