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Impossible to say without seeing the program's source.

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Q: What is the output displayed by the following program when the data entered are 5 and 7?
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Explain why is computer monitor called an output device?

while running the program then the result displayed on the sceen.

What is meant by input processing output?

Input is the data entered to the computer using keyboard, mouse, etc. Then it is processed by the Central Processing Unit or CPU and displayed to the OUTPUT (Monitor, Printer, etc.).

How can print screen output in borland c plus plus?

Redirect the output to a file via the command line. Print the file. For example, if the program is named foo.exe, the output can be redirected to a file named foo.txt with the following command: foo.exe > foo.txt Everything sent to std::cout by the program will now be sent to the file instead. Everything sent to std::cerr will be displayed on screen as normal.

Why wont your c plus plus program stay open?

If you are talking about the program executing, but the output screen being displayed for a flash and then disappearing, I suggest adding getch() or getchar() function at the end of your main function. This will make sure that the output screen waits for you to press a character before the program terminates.

Is data that is displayed or heard after processing is comsidered output or input?

It is considered output.

What is the computer generated information that is displayed?

The computer-generated information that is displayed is usually referred to as "output".

How do you assign output in C plus plus?

To have your program output to a file you must do the following :First you must write the library that allows the use of files#include This will allow you to use the necessary codes to input or output to filesThen in your program you write the following codeofstream outfile("statistic.txt");This declares the assigned file for output. Here statistic.txt is the assign file. The program will send the output to that file.To send the output to the assigned file instead of the screen do the following:Instead of "cout

Which devices will be displayed in the output?

device: B, D

What is an output in hydraulic called?

The output of the hydraulic system for hydraulic fluid with a "T" is displayed.

What is accuracy of a good program?

It depends on to what level of accuracy you tend to have with the output of your program Accuracy can be treated as: (Desired Output / Actual Output of your Program)

Is java's println a method?

Consider the following statement: System.out.println ("string to be printed"); The statement begins with System.out. This is a constant that represents the default output mode, which in this case is the screen. The constant helps to read and display the data in a Java program. The output is generated using the built-in println() method. The string that is assigned to the println() method is displayed when the statement is executed. For example, class Class2 { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("Here is your string"); } } The above program will show the following output: Here is your string

What process do you need to have the following output?

The process that you need to do the following output depends on what the output is. The process you do to get one output would not be the same process you do to get a different output.