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Assuming you had a file called 'file' in the current working directory it would try to guess what type of file it is, based on its contents.

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Q: What is the output of the command file file in unix?
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The 'CD' command is not standard for Unix. The 'cd' command, however, will change directories (folders). It is a means of navigating the Unix file system.

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The 'touch' command creates a new empty file in Unix.

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The 'tee' command creates one for you automatically. You would use it to simultaneously look at output from a process and redirect it to a disk file (for example).

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It is very common to use the 'tail' command to look at a file that is being written to in order to monitor the output of a process. Most systems recognize the tail -f command for that purpose. You must then use an interrupt signal to stop it from looking at the active file.

When running commands such as ipconfig or tracert saved in a .bat file how do I save the output. FYI I am using notepad?

Use ">" after the name of the .bat file on the command line to save the output in file Example: myscript.bat > myoutput.txt This runs the commands in the file myscript.bat, but instead of printing the output on the screen saves the output to the file myoutput.txt Note that this command syntax is used in Unix (Unix probably copied it from Multics) and Microsoft added it to MSDOS along with lots of other Unix like features at some point, because of their usefulness (you could not do this with early versions of MSDOS which was based on CP/M-86 which borrowed the syntax of one of the DEC PDP-8 OSs; none of which could redirect program output to files).

How do you create dummy file in unix?

using touch command of UNIX. syntax touch <filename> will create dummy regular file.

What is a filter in Unix?

A Unix filter is a command pattern that allows the output of one command to be "piped" into the input of the next command. Commands like 'ls' which list a directory are not filters since they only generate output. Filter examples are grep, sed, sort, uniq, awk. Commands in Unix are usually filters unless they only create output, like 'ls', 'vi', etc.

How do you check a file for spelling errors in unix?

Depending on the Unix vendor, there is usually a 'spell' or 'ispell' command available to spell check words in a file.

What is the command echo in unix mean?

it is a command in unix and unix like operating systems that places a string on the computer terminal.It is typically used in shell scripts and bath files screen or a file.

In unix how will you find extension of file using commands?

Unix files do not rely on extensions, therefore there is no command to find them.

How do you make a new command in Unix?

first, make a file. in the file you type in the command's name. an example would be the command date. name the file what you want to call that command. when you use the command, type in cat filename and the computer will do the command.