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The overall function on the Circulatory System is to pump blood all over the body. The heart is the main part of the system.

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To pump blood throughout your body

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Q: What is the over all function on the Circulatory System?
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What is the function of the circulatory system of a gymnast?

the function of circulatory system of a gymnast is it supplies blood to all our body fast and removes toxin which are present in our body.

Identify and interpret the functions of the circulatory system?

The function of the circulatory system is to distribute blood throughout the body. Through the circulatory system, the blood delivers oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and heat to all areas of the body.

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the circulatory system distributes oxygenated blood all over your body, which your organs need. The excretory system i dno

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the circulatory system carries all the oxygen you breathe in and give it to the muscular system. that way, it can function correctly adn keep your body healthy. also, without muscles, the heart wouldn't function since it is a cardiac muscle.

Why do you need your circulatory system to keep tissues all over your body alive?

as this gives oxygen to your lungs as you need air to breathe!

What is the main purpose of the circulatory?

The real function and purpose of the Circulatory system is to keep us alive (of course working in conjunction with the other systems of the body). The Circulatory system carries food and oxygen to all the cells of the body and then in response to that removes all waste products.

How can you describe the circulatory system?

consise description of 'describe the circulatory system' an overview synopsis. required?

What organ system transport nutrients to all the cells?

circulatory system does.

Does a salmon have an open circulatory system?

No. All vertebrates have a closed circulatory system. Arthropods and molluskshave an open circulatory system.

What does the circulatory system do in the aye-aye's body?

The circulatory system performs the same function in all animals. It circulates blood, which carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells while carrying away wastes and carbon dioxide.

Are annelids circulatory system?

Annelids have a closed circulatory system.

Carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body?

It's name is also it's function - the Circulatory System.