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Q: What is the oxidation state of an individual sulfur atom in SO42-?
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What is the oxidation state of SO42?

In this ion the oxidation state of sulfur is 6+ and the oxidation state of each oxygen is 2-

What is the oxidation number of SO42?

As SO42- has an overall -2 charge, The Oxygen has a -2 oxidation state, so to balance and give an overall -2 charge, the Sulfur has to have a +6 oxidation state. (-2 x 4) + (s) = -2 s = +6

What is the oxidation state of S in SO32?

The sulfate ion is SO42 -. The oxidation state of the sulfur is +6 (work it out!); therefore, the ion is more properly named the sulfate(VI) ion. The sulfite ion is SO32-. The oxidation state of the sulfur is +4.

What is the oxidation state of S in SO3 2-?

The sulfate ion is SO42 -. The oxidation state of the sulfur is +6 (work it out!); therefore, the ion is more properly named the sulfate(VI) ion. The sulfite ion is SO32-. The oxidation state of the sulfur is +4.

What is the oxidation state of S in SO42-?

SO42- (our goal is to get -2 charge) Oxygen by default has a -2 oxidation number, and we have 4 total, -2 X 4 = -8, our goal is -2, so S is +6.

Is sulfur in sulfates?

Yes. sulfates are SO42-

What is the sulfur cycle?

Sulfur is one of the constituents of many proteins, vitamins and hormones. It recycles as in other biogeochemical cycles.The essential steps of the sulfur cycle are:Mineralization of organic sulfur to the inorganic form, hydrogen sulfide: (H2S).Oxidation of sulfide and elemental sulfur (S) and related compounds to sulfate (SO42-).Reduction of sulfate to sulfide.Microbial immobilization of the sulfur compounds and subsequent incorporation into the organic form of sulfur.These are often termed as follows: Assimilative sulfate reduction (see also sulfur assimilation) in which sulfate (SO42-) is reduced to organic sulfhydryl (otherwise known as thiol) groups (R-SH) by plants, fungi and various prokaryotes. The oxidation states of sulfur are +6 in sulfate and -2 in R-SH. Desulfuration in which organic molecules containing sulfur can be desulfurated, producing hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), oxidation state = -2. Note the similarity to deamination. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide produces elemental sulfur (So), oxidation state = 0. This reaction is done by the photosynthetic green and purple sulfur bacteria and some chemolithotrophs. Further oxidation of elemental sulfur by sulfur oxidizers produces sulfate. Dissimilative sulfur reduction in which elemental sulfur can be reduced to hydrogen sulfide. Dissimilative sulfate reduction in which sulfate reducers generate hydrogen sulfide from sulfate.Human impact on the sulfur cycle is primarily in the production of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from industry (e.g. burning coal) and the internal combustion engine. Sulfur dioxide can precipitate onto surfaces where it can be oxidized to sulfate in the soil (it is also toxic to some plants), reduced to sulfide in the atmosphere, or oxidized to sulfate in the atmosphere as sulfuric acid, a principal component of acid rain

What elements are in sulphates?

Sulfate is : SO42-, so the elements are:one Sulfur- and four Oxygen atoms

What is the difference between sulfur and sulfur dioxide?

The sulfate ion is SO42- The sulfite ion is SO32- and is more basic that sulfate.

What is formula for complete oxidation of methane?

YES...CH4 + SO42- → HCO3- + HS- + H2O, is only one formula.

Is sulphate an element?

No, the 'next-to' element is sulfur (S).Sulfate is an ion made of 1 sulfur and 4 oxygen atoms charged '2 minus', with formula: SO42-

Is sulfate a atom?

No. Sulfate is a compound. It is a combination of atoms: 1 atom of Sulfur and 3 atoms of Oxygen. SO42-