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the oxi state is +6............

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Q: What is the oxidation state of manganese in potassium manganate?
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Is potassium manganate and potassium permanganate the same?

Potassium manganate = K2MnO4 Potassium permanganate = KMnO4 It is important to quote the oxidation state of the compound. Potassium manganate could easily be potassium manganate (VI) as opposed to potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 Potassium manganate (VI) K2MnO4 is a dark green compound made by fusing manganese (IV) oxide with potassium hydroxide. It is stable in basic solution In aqueous acidic solution it disproportionates to the manganate (VII) ion and manganese (IV) oxide.

What is the oxidation number assigned to manganese in KMnO4?

Manganese oxidation state = +7 So, it is also called Manganate(VII)

What are the Oxidation States of manganese?

Manganese has oxidation states from +7 to -3. In elemental state it is oxidation state 0.

Why potassium permanganate is good oxidizing agent compared to chlorine and potassium dichromate?

This compound is a strong oxidizing agent because elements become more electronegative as the oxidation states of their atoms increase.

What is the oxidation number of potassium in potassium oxide?

+1 oxidation state

What is the most likely oxidation state of MnCI2?

The most common oxidative states of manganese are +2, +3, +4, +6, and +7.

What is potassium's oxidation state?

0 and +1 oxidation states

What is the oxidation number for Mn in the formula H2MnO3?

MnO2 manganese(IV) oxide. Oxygen has a -2 oxidation state (oxidation state is a better term here as oxidation number is better used for complexes- they give the same answer for this compound)

What is the oxidation number of manganese in KMnO4?

KMnO4 is a neutral molecule, so the oxidation numbers of each element must all add to zero.O is 2- and there are 4 of them = -8 K is 1+ so one K = +1 This is a total of -7, therefore Mn MUST BE 7+ oxidation number.

Is there any compound of manganese in negative oxidation state and if exist then formulae?

no, it does not exist

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What is the difference between manganese sulfate and manganous sulfate?

They are used to identify the same material. The -ous being the older form of the name. The Manganese Sulfate would be more correct if written as Manganese (II) Sulfate. This indicates the lower oxidation state of the Mn atom which is +2. The term Manganous Sulfate is the older way of identifying the oxidation state. If you see term Manganic in a molecule's name this is referring to the higher oxidation +3 oxidation state. In current usage it would be Manganese (III).