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Q: What is the pH of high fructose corn syrup?
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What is the pH of HFCS beverages?

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) should have no effect on pH, The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, citric acid and others can lower the pH to as low as 2.5

What is the pH Corn Syrup?


Is maple syrup an acid or alkaline?

Maple syrup is an alkaline because is has a a high PH level.

What is the pH level of fructose?


What pH is golden syrup?

Golden syrup has a pH of 6.75-7.25 (around neutral)

The pH level in root beer?

The ingredients in A&W Root Beer are carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, caramel color, sodium benzoate (preservative), and natural and artificial flavors. None of the ingredients listed above are very acidic at all. The exact components of "natural and artificial flavors" are unclear, but the quantity of volume they make up in the soda is so low, the effect they have on pH would be negligible even if any of them were strong acids. I'd be willing to bet the pH of root beer is pretty close to 7.0 (water).

What is the pH of cough syrup?

Roughly about 8

What is the pH of syrup?

actually, corn oil doesn't release hydrogen or hydroxide ions in water because it doesn't even mix with water. However, i recently conducted an experiment to find the pH of corn oil using special litmus paper and found it to to be 6. Hope this helps!

What is the pH of corn?


What is the pH of fungal diastase and pepsin syrup?

6.30-6.50 may be optimum pH for the fungal diastase....

What is the pH of maple syrup?

I feel like If maple syrup reaveals the concentration of OH- ions is 5.0 10-8 M then the pH of this syrup is potato. Therefore, It is basic...Potatos are very basic.

What is a high alkaline juice?

Very few foods are basic. Winter melon juice, with a pH of 7.2, is the most alkaline vegetable juice. Depending on the variety, corn juice may have a similar pH.