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Pagans follow any number of paths, it is very difficult to pin down a single god (or goddess) of earth without some idea of the path you are inquiring about.

Give a pantheon and we will happily find you a god(dess).

In the meanwhile Gia will work however she's a godess.

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15y ago
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15y ago

There are many Gods of War across different pantheons:

AH-HULNEB - Mayan deity
AHAYUTA-ACHI - Native American deity
ANAT - Egyptian deity
ANATH - Middle-Eastern deity
ANDAI - Slavic and Baltic deity
ANOUKE - Egyptian deity
ARES - Greek deity
ASHUR - Middle-Eastern deity
ATHENA - Greek deity
BAAL - Middle-Eastern deity
BELATUCADROS - Celtic deity
BELLONA - Roman deity
BEN-ELABA - Mayan deity
BISHAMON - Japanese deity
BULUC-CHABTAN - Mayan deity
CAMULUS - Celtic deity
CHEMOSH - Middle-Eastern deity
DEIMOS - Greek deity
ENYO - Greek deity
EPUNAMUN - Incan deity
ESUS - Celtic deity
GUAN-YU - Chinese deity
HACHIMAN - Japanese deity
HOA-TAPU - Oceanic deity
HUN-PIC-TOK - Mayan deity
JUNDA - Slavic and Baltic deity
KOVAS - Slavic and Baltic deity
KU - Oceanic deity
LANG - South-East Asian deity
LARAN - Roman deity
MARISHA-TEN - Japanese deity
MARS - Roman deity
MARU - Oceanic deity
MENRVA - Roman deity
MENTHU - Egyptian deity
MIXCOATL - Aztec deity
NAYANEZGANI - Native American deity
NINURTA - Mesopotamian deity
PATOLLO - Slavic and Baltic deity
PUNCHAU - Incan deity
RESHEP - Egyptian
SEKHMET - Egyptian deity
SHE - African deity
TEISHEBA - Middle-Eastern deity
TEUTATIS - Celtic deity
TOBADZISTSINI - Native American deity
TUMATAUENGA - Oceanic deity
TYR - Norse deity
VOTAN - Mayan deity

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13y ago

It depends on the particular group of pagans.

Considering that many pagan groups are culturally-identified (Celtic pagans are common around here), you'd need to look back to the cultural tradition.

Local folks talk about Cernunnos, Epona, Llew and others from the English/Irish/Welsh pre-Christian pantheon.

You'd also need to understand what "Gods" means in context.

For folks from a Christian/ Jewish/ Muslim background, God is a single, all-powerful entity. Pagans consider Gods/Goddesses to be more like an extended family (think of the Greek/ Roman pantheon), each with particular powers and authorities.

You'd need to know which cultural tradition your notional pagans look back to, if indeed they look back at all.

A "pagus" was a roman country district, i.e. "the boondocks". In pre-christian Rome, the term refered to those who practiced more antiquated or outdated religion(s) and religious ritual. "Pagan" has since come to refer to any non-abramic religion and it's adherants. Since the overwhelming majority of those who might be called pagans were or are polytheists, they can't be said to have "a" god, but instead tend to have several. If you want to know who the central gods of a non-abramic religion are, you'd have to specify both the era and the region or culture. If you refer to modern pagans and neopagans who aren't limited to their ancestral or regional "old religions", it can vary even more substantially than in ancient time. It's worth mentioning, however, that most modern pagans (Covenant of The Goddess members, for example) are polypantheists, not polytheists. Their "god" is, for simplification purposes, "the goddess", the personified generative life force.

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