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Q: What is the pale blue planet the outermost of gassy planets in our solar system?
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Is Neptune a gassy planet?

Yes, Neptune is the last gassy planet in the solar system.

What is the blue gassy planet?

Uranus and Neptune are bluish gas planets.

What type of planet have lots of moons?

Jupiter and Saturn are the two gassy planets with lots of moons.

How have you learned about these planets and their rings?

yes the rings are full of gassy rocks which orbit around the planet

Is Jupiter a rocky planet or a gassy planet?

Jupiter is a gassy planet, that is why it is called The Gas Giant.

Is outer planets made of heavier material than a inner planet?

No because the inner planets are made of rocky and hard substances and the outer planets are made of gassy lighter substances.

Which planet is the gassy planet?


How Are The Planets Oranized?

well genuis, there are the "rocky planets" and the "gassy planets"

Can robots go to gassy planets?

No, they have no solid surface to land on and would just get sucked into the center of the planet due to the immense gravity.

What are the gassiest planets in the solar system?

There are 4 gas giants (really gassy planets) in our solar system: 1. Jupiter 2.Saturn 3.Uranus 4.Neptune

Is the planets gassy or rocky?


What planet is gassy?
