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Q: What is the part of the face between the eyes and the head?
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Face parts name?

There are different parts that make up the face. The parts are named eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and forehead. The face is part of the head.

What is a dish in the Arabians head?

its where the profile (the front part of the horses head) is dented between the eyes and nosrils

On which part of your body would you wear a balaclava?

On your head - it's a kind of hat that also covers your nose and mouth

What is forehead of cow?

The forehead of a cow is the part above the eyes and between the ears on the head of a bovine.

What is the sexiest part about a guy?

His face and eyes.

What do you call the front part of your head?

A face

Are the ears considered to be a part of the face or a part of the head?

your ear is located on the side of your face

What part of human head control the eyes?

The Brain.

What is the heading of a letter?

The letter is I. Eyes are part of the head.

What part of the body reveals the most emotions?

The face, particularly the eyes and mouth, reveal the most emotions. Facial expressions are a primary way humans communicate and express feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise.

What differences are there between manticores and chimeras?

Manticores have the face, ears and eyes of a man, the body of a lion and a scorpion's tail. (in some depictions they also have wings of a bat) Chimeras have the head and forelegs of a lion, the body and backlegs of a goat (they also have a goat's head in the back, just where the lion part ends) and a serpent as a tail.

What does the burqa look like?

A burqa looks like a large sheet that covers a person from the head to their feet. It is worn over their normal clothing. The face veil can either be a transparent cloth that covers every part of their face to a veil that covers the head and mouth but allows the eyes to be seen.