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Q: What is the part of the flower that carries the pollen to the ovary?
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What does a ovary part of a flower contain?

pollen and leaves;tiny leaves!!;)

What is the part of the flower that carries the pollen called?

the stamen

Does the stigma in a flower produce pollen?

Pollen is male part of the flower and stigma is the uppermost part of the gynoecium (which is female part). Thus stigma does not produce pollen, rather pollen land on stigma after pollination to fertilize the egg inside the ovary of the flower.

What is name of the part of the flower that the pollen tube grows through?

In the female part of the flower called the Carpel. The seed grows out of the ovary.

Tube in a flower that makes seeds?

Pollen tube.

What is the stigma's function and how does it do it?

The stigma is the ovening to the ovary of the female part of a flower. When pollen comes incontact with it the pollen sticks and then the ovary is fertlized so that the seed and/or fruit can grow and develop

What part of a flower produced pollen?

There are two parts of a flower that produces pollen. The two parts are the stalk and the top of the flower.

What part of the flower produces frfuit?

The ovules of the flower are produced in the ovary. The ovary is located in a region known as the gynoecium.

Which part of a flower is for reproduction rather than for nutrition?

the flower is the part, because they spread the pollen and the wind carries it to another flower and they both mate.

Name the part of the flower where fertilisation takes place?

The part of the flower where fertilization takes place is known as the ovary. This is where the pollen grains will fuse with the ova to reproduce.

Why must a flower be pollinated to make seeds?

The ovary in the flower must be fertilised by pollen from the stamen and then seeds can form.

Where does the fruit form in a pollinated flower?

The fruit usually comes from the flowering part of the plant.