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Q: What is the passive voice of farmers have to grow more rice?
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What is a false statement about passive voice verbs?

A false statement about passive voice verbs is that they are always longer and more complex than active voice verbs. In reality, the complexity of a sentence can depend on various factors beyond just the use of passive voice.

What is active voice to passive voice and vice versa?

Active voice: "John attended school." Passive voice: "The school was attended by John." Passive voice: "Jane was helped by John." Active voice: "John helped Jane." In active voice, the subject of the sentence usually comes first and is doing the action to something else. In passive voice, the predicate is being acted upon by the subject. Passive voice tends to be harder to read , and it tends to use more words. So for the most part, you should avoid using passive voice.

8 What is the difference between active and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject receives the action. In active voice, the sentence is structured subject-verb-object, whereas in passive voice, the sentence is structured object-verb-subject. Active voice is more direct and concise, while passive voice can be used to focus on the receiver of the action or when the doer is unknown or less important.

Is passive voice used in thesis writing?

Passive voice can be used in thesis writing, but it is generally recommended to use active voice to make the writing more direct, clear, and engaging for the reader. However, in some cases where the emphasis is on the action or when the subject is unknown, passive voice may be appropriate.

Difference between active and passive voice?

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action. For example, "The cat chased the mouse" is in active voice, while "The mouse was chased by the cat" is in passive voice. Active voice is generally more direct and engaging, while passive voice can be useful when the focus is on the receiver of the action.

Related questions

What is active voice to passive voice and vice versa?

Active voice: "John attended school." Passive voice: "The school was attended by John." Passive voice: "Jane was helped by John." Active voice: "John helped Jane." In active voice, the subject of the sentence usually comes first and is doing the action to something else. In passive voice, the predicate is being acted upon by the subject. Passive voice tends to be harder to read , and it tends to use more words. So for the most part, you should avoid using passive voice.

Passive voice of 'what are you doing?

"What was done to you?" or - more naturally - "What happened to you?"

Why are farmers lack of soil?

So the farmers can grow more food, and more crops.

What do Poland's farmers grow more of?

Potatoes and rye are what farmers grow in Poland more than any other European country,

Why do writers often strive to write using more active-voice verbs and fewer passive-voice vers?

Writers often prefer to use active-voice because it makes the sentence more engaging for the reader. It describes someone or something doing something, as opposed to something just being done. Active voice is occasionally the only way a sentence may be constructed. Also, passive voice often makes sentences abnormally difficult to construct and read. For example: active: Fish live in the sea. passive: no passive voice version because there is no subject. Fish live + (preposition)... you can't construct a passive equivalency. active: I drove my car today! passive: My car was driven by me today! The passive voice makes the sentence very unwieldy, requiring a helping verb (was) not required in the active voice sentence. It adds extra words, and focuses on the object being acted upon, rather than whoever is performing the action.

17 Find the sentence with the active voice?

Sentences written in active voice are clearer and more straightforward than those written in passive voice. In active voice, the subject is doing something rather than having something done to them. An example of passive voice is, "He was reading the book his cousin had written." Active voice may read, "He's reading the book his cousin wrote."

Why were farmers only allowed to grow little varieties of crops such as wheat?

Because there were only a few scant varieties to choose from for farmers to grow. It's different nowadays, as farmers have far more cultivars and varieties to choose from to grow in their fields.

What crops are farmers able to grow in regions with more rainfall?

They grow root crops such as yams and cassava.

What is 'passive' in English grammar?

the passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the action of a transitive verb. Passive voice emphasizes the process rather than who is performing the action. Passive (or passive verb) refers more generally to verbs using this construction and the passages in which they are used. In English, a passive verb is periphrastic; that is, it does not have a one-word form, but consists of an auxiliary verb plus the past participle of the transitive verb. The auxiliary verb usually is a form of the verb to be, but other auxiliary verbs, such as get, are sometimes used. The passive voice can be used in any number of tenses. The process of changing an active verb into a passive one is called passivization. Passivization is a valence-decreasing process, and it is sometimes referred to as a detranzitivizing process, because it changes transitive verbs into intransitives.

Why is it important for farmers to cultivate their lands?

It is important for farmers to cultivate their farms so the plants or crops grow nicely.

Which one of the following sentences is written in active voice?

I finished my research paper two days early.

Why do farmers even apply fertilizer at all?

to help there crops grow more