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'Fun' is not a verb.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 3mo ago

Past: had fun Present: have fun Future: will have fun

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Q: What is the past present and future tense of fun?
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What is present tense of talk?

Present tense: Present tense of talk is basically talking about "today". Past tense ex: It was not a good experience. Present talk ex: It is not a good experience. Future tense ex: It will not be a good experience. More examples of present tense of talk: It is not a good piece of pizza. The roller coaster is really fun. Clue words of present tense: is, go, going, be, being

What is the correct use of the word used?

If you mean "used to," the imperfect auxiliary, then the main rules are: 1) Used to is always in the form of the past tense "used" and 2) It never takes its own auxiliary. We may say This used to be fun, didn't it? But we do NOT say Didn't this use to be fun?

Example speech using past perfect tense?

Sure! "Before I arrived at the party, my friends had already left. I had missed all the fun, but I had still enjoyed catching up with the host. By the time I left, everyone had gone home, and the night had ended."

Word list of present tense?

Below is a list of present tenses. look, begin, swim,take, tell, dream, creep, lap, stare, find, drive, see.

Give me example of paragraph Birthday topic using past form of verbs?

Last year, I celebrated my birthday with a small gathering of close friends. We all enjoyed a delicious homemade cake and played some fun games together. I received some thoughtful gifts and felt really appreciated by the effort my friends put into making my day special. The memories of that birthday party still bring a smile to my face whenever I think about it.

Related questions

What is present tense of talk?

Present tense: Present tense of talk is basically talking about "today". Past tense ex: It was not a good experience. Present talk ex: It is not a good experience. Future tense ex: It will not be a good experience. More examples of present tense of talk: It is not a good piece of pizza. The roller coaster is really fun. Clue words of present tense: is, go, going, be, being

What tense is the word are?

Are is present tense plural be verb. They are happy. We are having fun.

What is the present and past particle of fun?

Fun isn't a verb, so it doesn't have a past or present participle.

What is different between the present and the past in the story The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov?

wrong form of should be like that ........what is the differences between the future schools and the present school?

How is was used in sentence?

"Was" is the past tense of "is." She was a great beauty. That was a fun afternoon. He was a good friend.

What are examples of present form past form and future form?

Some present participles:RunningPlayingWorkingJoggingJokingWritingJumpingLosingSome past participles:RunPlayedWorkedJoggedJokedWrittenJumpedLost

How to use 'not only... but also' in present simple tense?

Not only is Wiki Answers fun, but also it's informative.

Is playing an adjective?

Yes, the word 'played' is the past participle, past tense of the verb 'to play'. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective. Example sentence: The played pieces from last night will not be included in the concert tonight.

Is fusionfall fun?

Yes it is fun. In the game you go to the future (first you go to the future). You try to defeat lord fuse the hardest boss in the game. Second when you are done with the future you go to the past. In the past you get more missons, more nanos, (nanos are little cartoon network little characters' to help you at in the game). And more places to go to. In the past is where you fight lord fuse! So if you think all this that i told you is fun. IT IS

What is the The Fun They Had?

It is a name of a book, in the future. Margie's brother finds an old book about the school in the past. Margie reads about the kids having fun together and thinks of the fun they had.

When do you use the words do and did?

The verb is to do. The words do and doesare present tense, did is past tense.Examples:I do my homework every day.He does his homework also.I did part of my project last weekend.He did very little studying over the summer.*as a helper verb*I do enjoy reading. He does not like it as much.We did have fun at Disneyland.

What does predicting mean in science terms?

it means making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or Avalyanhave fun