

What is the pastence?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the pastence?
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Why is it that all managers are leaders but not all leaders are managers?

Managers are leaders - Pastence (appointed by themselves) Leaders are not managers - presentence (appointed by others) This is absolutely true, anyone can be a manager but it takes a certain type of individual to be a leader. A great quote I read once states "leaders plan the journey and sell the tickets, managers drive the bus to the destination". In other words, managers carry out work FOR someone else whereas leaders will be creative, have a vision and bring others along with their vision. I have written a couple of articles on leadership versus management and they are listed below this answer.

Why would someone bury cat skulls?

Ummm, I not sure really, but after watching hours of the smithsonian channel I might have a answer. I know a long time ago a LOT of people worshipped animals,like cats. Thought of them as gods, so it might be a spiritual burial. For the reason of hoping the cat to go on in the afterlife. There are also some customs that are part of long gone civilizations long ago that people did(like the atzecs). Really, most of the time when hearing about someone burying cat skulls, it would had been a ancient thing that dosnt happen anymore.......or someone is burying their dead cat....without their body :/. That's really all I can think of at the really depends on the context of what your saying,do you mean pastence or present.

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There is no past tense of past tense because it is not a verb. For instance, there is no past tense of the word 'desk' (there is no 'desked' or 'did desk', because desk is a noun, not a verb.Or it could mean: Past perfect.Past perfect is sometimes described as 'past in the past'. It is used to show that one thing in the past happened before another thing in the past.Example: The race had finished before the rain started.

How do you teach a Doberman?

You should easily be able to train them they are the 5th smartest dog in the world! If you don't believe me google it and it will say that.The doberman is a hard breed to train because they just aren't smart dogs, they dont have the patential to stay focased that long. to train a Doberman you need to have that pastence and alot of treats but the easiest way to train it is when telling it to sit lay shake etc. You need to get them into the possition of the trick and keep them there and just repeat the words of the trick like sit sit sit sit sit sit. and just praise them when they stay .THAT IS AN UNTRUE STATEMENT!!! DOBERMAN ARE ACTUALLY ONE OF THE SMARTEST DOG BREED IN THE WORLD!!! THE REASON THEY CAN BE HARD TO TRAIN IS THEY ARE ACTRUALLY TO SMART!!! BY BEING TO SMART THEY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET WHAT THEY WANT WITHOUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO!!Actually, the person above me is correct. Doberman Pinschers are one of the smartest dogs in the world. Yes, it is easier for an experienced owner/handler to train a Doberman, as they need to have a strong leader, but otherwise, they can be taught just about anything with great ease. Oh, and if you train any dog by repeating the command (ex. sit sit sit sit), it doesnt do the dog any good. It is best to say the command once while gently pushing down on his/her rump and wait until he/she sits. Once he/she does then reward them with treats and praise. I am an absolute Doberman fan for life, I love the breed and just despise people who know nothing about the breed and put up nasty comments like 'they arent smart' ect. Anyway, I hope this helps, and a Doberman is NOT stupid. =)~Jessica~

How do you teach a?

You should easily be able to train them they are the 5th smartest dog in the world! If you don't believe me Google it and it will say that.The doberman is a hard breed to train because they just aren't smart dogs, they dont have the patential to stay focased that long. to train a Doberman you need to have that pastence and alot of treats but the easiest way to train it is when telling it to sit lay shake etc. You need to get them into the possition of the trick and keep them there and just repeat the words of the trick like sit sit sit sit sit sit. and just praise them when they stay .THAT IS AN UNTRUE STATEMENT!!! DOBERMAN ARE ACTUALLY ONE OF THE SMARTEST DOG BREED IN THE WORLD!!! THE REASON THEY CAN BE HARD TO TRAIN IS THEY ARE ACTRUALLY TO SMART!!! BY BEING TO SMART THEY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET WHAT THEY WANT WITHOUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO!!Actually, the person above me is correct. Doberman Pinschers are one of the smartest dogs in the world. Yes, it is easier for an experienced owner/handler to train a Doberman, as they need to have a strong leader, but otherwise, they can be taught just about anything with great ease. Oh, and if you train any dog by repeating the command (ex. sit sit sit sit), it doesnt do the dog any good. It is best to say the command once while gently pushing down on his/her rump and wait until he/she sits. Once he/she does then reward them with treats and praise. I am an absolute Doberman fan for life, I love the breed and just despise people who know nothing about the breed and put up nasty comments like 'they arent smart' ect. Anyway, I hope this helps, and a Doberman is NOT stupid. =)~Jessica~

Who made Bible?

there is no "inventor" of the Bible, but God the spirit in the trinity worked through men to write the Bible. (notice pastence, nothing should be added or taken away from the Holy Bible). (random person: um i have to say Constantinople pieced the bible together and took apart, like he took away the book of Judas Iscariot) You are confusing the Scriptures with the Bible. The Catechism states that the Scriptures are from God and inspired by the Spirit. However the putting together and order of the manuscripts is by Catholics because they were the first Church as designated by Church. It was one church then and that was Catholic there was no other. I know there was a lot of sin in the Church but M. Luther inserted alone into the Bible. How do we know this- aside from Carbon Dating from the fact that now the Bible states through Paul that we can only change with God through Faith alone not works. This is in direct contradiction with James who tells us faith without works is dead. The Bible is consistent and never in error so you know Protestants have great ideas on the Bible but they are dishonest about Scripture. And they disagree with one another all the time because of the human insertion into the text. That's why they have so many cults. Catholics are consistent. Folks, don't believe the thumper! We appreciate your kind and I love the Bach Society but c'mon Luther iserted sola and the first Christians were Catholic.