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What_is_the_path_that_sound_takes_through_the_earwaves enter through the outer ear, then sound waves move through the ear canal. Next sound waves strike the eardrum, causing it to vibrate, then vibrations enter the middle ear. Then the hammer picks up the vibrations, then vibrations are passed to the anvil. Next the vibrations are transmitted to the stirrup, then a vibrating membrane transmits vibrations to the inner ear, and then vibrations are channeled into the cochlea. Then nerve cells detect vibrations and convert them to electrical impulses, then electrical impulses are transmitted to the brain. Then the brain interprets electrical impulses as sound.

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Auditory Canal --> Tympanic Membrane --> Malleus --> Incus --> Stapes --> Oval Window --> Spiral Organ --> Cochlear Nerve.

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Q: What is the path of sound vibrations and impulses from pinna to brain?
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What contains receptors that convert sound vibrations to impulses that are sent to the brain?

The cocheal contains receptor cells that convert sound vibrations into impulses that are sent to the brain.

Trace the path of sound waves as they enter the ear Start with the outer ear?

Sound waves first enter the outer ear, which consists of the pinna (visible portion) and the ear canal. The pinna helps collect sound waves and directs them into the ear canal. The sound waves then travel through the ear canal and reach the eardrum (tympanic membrane) at the end of the canal.

How do sound vibrations carried from the ear to the nerve cells?

Sound waves enter through the outer ear, then sound waves move through the ear canal. Next sound waves strike the eardrum, causing it to vibrate, then vibrations enter the middle ear. Then the hammer picks up the vibrations, then vibrations are passed to the anvil. Next the vibrations are transmitted to the stirrup, then a vibrating membrane transmits vibrations to the inner ear, and then vibrations are channeled into the cochlea. Then nerve cells detect vibrations and convert them to electrical impulses, then electrical impulses are transmitted to the brain. Then the brain interprets electrical impulses as sound.

what part of the ear collects sounds in the environment?

Sound waves are 'collected' by the ear drum. This is a film stretched across the ear canal. Much like it's namesake, it responds to sound waves by vibrating. These vibrations are read as electrical signals by your nerves, and it is transmitted to brain as impulses.

In the cochlea?

Sound vibrations are converted to nerve impulses :)

What auditory nerve is responsible for?

The auditory nerve is responsible for relaying vibrations from the cochlea, in the inner ear, to the brain as electrical impulses. The auditory centre of the brain then interprets these as sound.

How does sound travel to your brains?

the sound wave vibrate the cochlea in your ear (a small snail like organ in your ear) the fluid inside it shake touching receptors your brain takes the vibrations and and relays the info

What structure carries the sensations caused by sound to the brain?

The cocheal contains receptor cells that convert sound vibrations into impulses that are sent to the brain.

What organ detects sound?

The ear drum. Then the ear drum pass the vibrations onto the hammer, stirrup, and anvil (the smallest bones in the human body in the inner ear), where nerves send electrical impulses called synapses to the brain. The brain processes the vibrations and sends you the sound the noise created.

List the sequence of structures through which sound passes to reach and be interpreted by the brain?

Sound waves hit a human ear and pass through the eardrum by vibrating the hammer, anvil, and stirrup of the middle ear. These vibrations become a pressure wave that affects the fluid of the inner ear where they become electrical nerve impulses sent to and interpreted by the brain as sound.

What vibrates as sound waves hit it?

Your eardrums vibrate when sound waves hit them. The sound wave travels through the auditory canal which funnels the sound to the ear drum causing it to vibrate. The ear drum then amplifies the sound by vibration of bones. It is in the middle ear where sound energy is converted into mechanical energy. The cochlea in the inner ear converts the vibrations into electrical impulses before sending signals to the brain. The brain then interprets the impulses as sound.

What does fluid in your ear do?

When a sound wave strikes the eardrum and passes along the hammer, anvil and stirrup (the tiny bones in your ear) the stirrup bone strikes a little membrane covered window that sloshes the fluid back and forth (the fluid helps pass along the vibrations). The sloshing stimulates the tiny hair cells which convert the vibrations into nerve impulses. The impulses travel along to the brain which interprets the impulses as sound.