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The laws are not different and the charges don't change just because the perpetrator is a juvenile. It is the manner in which the juvenile is processed, tried and treated that can be different from adult offenders. Threatening someone with a deadly weapon is a serious charge and the 12 year old can expect receive harsher penalty than... say... throwing a snowball at a schoolbus, for instance.

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Q: What is the penalty for a 12 year old accused of simple assault?
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What is the penalty for simple assault in Pennsylvania?

Depends entirely on the circumstances and what degree Simple Assault you're referring to. Simple Assault is considered a misdemeanor in PA and the punishment ranges from 1 year (max) in prison to 5. (1) assault on a child (under 14 years old) - (max) 5 years in prison (2) assault (most common) - (max) 2 years in prison (3) (mutual) assault - (max) 1 year in prison

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In Georgia, a charge of aggravated assault is a felony and can be broken down under three categories. It sounds like your brother will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The penalty (if he is found guilty )is a prison term of 3 to 20 years. The judge can also impose Community service, loss of state and federal financial aid, fines and probation. The simple assault charge is a misdemeanor but can be of high and aggravated nature and that carries a penalty of up to 12 months and $5,000.00 fine.

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Simple assault is a misdemeanor. Mxximum of not more than one year in jail and/or a fine. Other than that much depends on the seriousness of the assault and the perpetrators' past record.

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By her age she IS a minor - if that specific charge is an enhanced penalty offense in your state (i.e.- it is a greater offense to assault a minor than it is to assault an adult) then the assaulter COULD be charged with that offense.

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You can get up to one year in jail and fines up to about 2,500 dollars depending on the type of simple assault that you commit in TN. Simple assault is considered a misdemeanor.

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In most states the sentence for simple assault is a misdemeanor sentence, punishable by up to one year in jail.

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A person can receive jail time for simple assault and battery in Florida. A person can receive a sentence of 6 months to a year in jail.

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REALISTIC ANSWER: Assault is assault. If the juvenile were younger the charge against the perpetrator might include an 'enhanced' penalty due to the age of the child., However, when the minor is 16-year old it seems somewhat unlikely unless there are extenuating circumstances or the assault was especially brutal.

Can you file assault charges on an eleven year old child?

Private individuals are not permitted to file criminal charges. You may report the assault to the police, regardless of the age of the accused. The police and the prosecution make the determination about whether or not formal charges will be pursued.

What is the sentence for assault in Texas?

If it was just a simple assault (i.e. not upon a public servant, family member, etc.) the sentence can be up to one year in jail and/or up to a $4000 fine.