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Q: What is the penalty for using off road diesel over the road?
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Does off road diesel cause fuel injection problems in trucks?

Since 2007 most diesel pumped at any station in the USA or Canada is ULSD, regardless if it's on-road (clear) diesel, or off-road (dyed) diesel. The only difference is the fuel is that by using it as off road the taxes are not the same and it is cheaper. Dyed diesel will not affect your engine.

Does off road diesel smoke more than regular diesel?

Off road diesel is dyed but otherwise the same as highway diesel. The difference is in the tax. Highway diesel has a road tax on it

What is the Weight of off road diesel?

What is the weight of off-road diesel

How much will you spend in 1450 miles using diesel fuel?

What type of diesel? What size engine? What type of road conditions? On road or off road? Last time I went that far I spent nearly a grand between meals, motels and food - diesel wasn't too bad, probably 150-200 or so.

What happens when you put truck diesel instead of car diesel?

do you mean off road diesel insted of regular diesel? because there is no car and truck diesel. nothing will happen if you put off road diesel in your car, unless its under warranty and then you take it in and they see red diesel then bye bye warranty or if you get pulled over and a state trooper just so happens to have the kit to check it. Then you get a hefty fine since off road diesel has no tax on it. Being that it is supposed to be used off road like in bobcats or back hoes or what not. truck diesel costs 8 cents more because they have to pay road tax, but its the same fuel, on-hiway stuff.

Was told yo use road diesel in hotsy power washer not off road fuel?

Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for this one. On-road diesel is recommended for use in diesel motors in general. Remember also that on-road diesel used for purposes for which the use of off-road diesel would be legal is non-taxable, which, in the case of an on-road diesel fuel purchase, will be translated into a tax refund.

Can you safely use JP-8 in over the road diesel vehicles?

Yes. It may not deliver optimum performance vs. diesel, but it'll work.

What diesel engine is better a cummins or a Detroit diesel?

Different strokes for different folks. The Detroit Diesel 60 series is great for over-the-road applications. The Cummins ISX fares better in heavy haul applications and anything which involves going off-road.

What type of fuel is DERV?

DERV stands for Diesel Engine Road Vehicle

Can diesel fuel anti gel additive be used for heating oil?

Yes, home heating oil and diesel fuel are almost identical and can be used interchangeably. Home heating oil used in a diesel vehicle is subject to road tax and you can be fined if caught using it to avoid road tax.

Does on road diesel weigh more than off road diesel fuel?

No. The only difference is a red dye added to off-road diesel to denote non-taxable use.

Diesel for road vehicles is also called what in the UK?

Diesel for road vehicles is known as DERV (Fuel for Diesel Engined Road Vehicles) or ULSD (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel which has a reduced sulphur content) and is white in colour.