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1550 mixture-----------------78,9 acetone
100 mixture-------------------x
x = 78,9 x 100/1559 = 5,09
The concentration of acetone is 5,o9 %.

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5d ago

The total volume of the solution is 78.9 mL + 1550 mL = 1628.9 mL. To calculate the percent by volume concentration of acetone, divide the volume of acetone by the total volume of the solution and multiply by 100. In this case, (78.9 mL / 1628.9 mL) x 100 = 4.85% volume concentration of acetone.

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8y ago

78.9 ml/1550 ml (x100) = 5.09 = 5.00% v/v

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Q: What is the percent by volume concentration of 78.9 mL of acetone in 1550 mL of an acetone-water solution?
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If 2 percent glucose solution and 5 percent glucose solution are separated by a semipermiable menbrane flows from the 2 percent glucose solution to the 5 percent glucose solution?

This process is called osmosis. Water molecules move from an area of low solute concentration (2% glucose solution) to an area of high solute concentration (5% glucose solution) to equalize the concentration on both sides of the membrane. This results in a net flow of water from the 2% glucose solution to the 5% glucose solution.

Why does the percent ionization of acetic acid increase as the concentration of the solution decreases?

As the concentration of the solution decreases, there are fewer acetic acid molecules in the solution, resulting in less competition for water molecules. This allows more acetic acid molecules to ionize, increasing the percent ionization. Additionally, Le Chatelier's principle states that a decrease in concentration of the solution will shift the equilibrium towards the formation of more ions, further promoting ionization.

Five quantitative ways to describe the composition of solutions?

Molarity: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per liter of solution. Molality: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Mass percent: the percentage of the total mass of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Volume percent: the percentage of the total volume of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Parts per million (ppm): the concentration of a solution in parts per million by weight.

If you have a 300ml of a 15 percent hydrochloric acid solution in dilute the solution to 1000ml with sterile water what percent should appear on the label?

The final concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution would be 5% after dilution. Therefore, the label should indicate that the solution is a 5% hydrochloric acid solution.

Is 10 percent glucose solution hypertonic?

Yes, a 10 percent glucose solution is hypertonic because it has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding environment, leading to a net flow of water molecules into the solution, causing cells to shrink or crenate when exposed to it.

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If 2 percent glucose solution and 5 percent glucose solution are separated by a semipermiable menbrane flows from the 2 percent glucose solution to the 5 percent glucose solution?

This process is called osmosis. Water molecules move from an area of low solute concentration (2% glucose solution) to an area of high solute concentration (5% glucose solution) to equalize the concentration on both sides of the membrane. This results in a net flow of water from the 2% glucose solution to the 5% glucose solution.

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As the concentration of the solution decreases, there are fewer acetic acid molecules in the solution, resulting in less competition for water molecules. This allows more acetic acid molecules to ionize, increasing the percent ionization. Additionally, Le Chatelier's principle states that a decrease in concentration of the solution will shift the equilibrium towards the formation of more ions, further promoting ionization.

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Osmosis of water from a low concentration of salt to a high concentration

Five quantitative ways to describe the composition of solutions?

Molarity: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per liter of solution. Molality: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Mass percent: the percentage of the total mass of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Volume percent: the percentage of the total volume of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Parts per million (ppm): the concentration of a solution in parts per million by weight.

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The final concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution would be 5% after dilution. Therefore, the label should indicate that the solution is a 5% hydrochloric acid solution.

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