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Q: What is the percentage of average soil?
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What percentage of the average soil is organic matter?

Three percent is the percentage of organic matter in average soil. Organic matter content may range from one percent in the sandiest soils to five percent in the healthiest soils. Its percentage varies according to the amount of living or once-living animal and plant matter, the degree of moisture infiltration and percolation, and the soil pH.

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What is the percentage of peat soil in India?

36.3 %

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What is the average pH of soil in England?

Average pH of soil is between pH 4.0 and 8.5.

Why magnet can attract the soil?

No magnet can attract soil unless the soil has a high percentage of magnetic material in it such as iron or nickel.

How do you say soil has water content in?

The water content of soil is expressed as a percentage, i.e. the percentage of the soil that is water. To calculate, weigh the mass of a sample of soil. Let this be W. Then dry the soil in an oven (be careful not to burn it) and weigh the dry soil. Let this be D. The soil moisture content, M = W-D/W x 100.

what determines the texture of soil?

The textural class of soil is determined by the percentage of sand, silt, and clay.

What makes up the greatest percentage of the soil?


What is a characteristic of soil with a high percentage of clay?

Soil with a high concentration of clay is able to hold water.