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I doubt anyone will be able to tell you an exact percentage. I'd say the chance was fairly low, but definitely possible. I think you see your doctor for a test, just to put your mind at rest. Next time wash your hands or something :P

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Q: What is the percentage of getting pregnant if a guy wipes sperm off his hands onto his boxers then onto a blanket while she is ovulating and highly fertile and rubs near her vagina not in it?
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Where can one get tips on getting pregnant?

The best recommended way to get pregnant or conceive is to find out when you are ovulating and try. The days you are ovulating are the days you are most fertile.

If you want to become pregnant And you start your periods Will you be pregnant?

Yes, you just have to have sex while you are ovulating & fertile.

Can you get pregnant 2 to three days after your ovulating days?

Although a woman is most fertile about 14 days after her period starts, she can get pregnant during other times of her cycle.

What is the time to get pregnant after menstrual cycle starts?

about 2 weeks after your cycle starts again, you will be fertile for about 3 days. you can buy tests to show if you are ovulating or not

Can guys get a girsl pregnant before puberty?

Yes. If your menstrual cycle has started, it means that you are ovulating, and therefore you can get pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you are fertile?

yes, you have to be fertile to become pregnant.

When you get the rods removed from your arm is it likely to get pregnant straight away?

Yes, it's likely to get pregnant straight away. This is not because you're "more fertile," but because your hormones are adjusting back to your natural rhythm, and you don't know exactly when you're ovulating.

What is the percentage of you getting pregnant if he pulled out?

I can't give you a percentage,, but I can tell you this: Pulling out is not an effective form of birth control. He doesn't have to ejaculate inside you to get you pregnant. The tiny bit of "pre-cum" which may leak out before ejaculation is enough to get you pregnant if you are fertile.

Can you get pregnant the day after your menstruation goes off even if your not ovulating at that time?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant directly after menstruation. If your cycle is especially short you may ovulate the day after your period, certainly you may be fertile during this time so could fall pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if your period didn't come for 2 months?

Yes, you can get pregnant even if you haven't had your period for two months. Menstruation follows ovulation, thus when you had sex you may have been fertile/ovulating.

What does non ovulating mean?

Ovulation is the period of time a woman is fertile. This is nomally in the middle of a womans cycle lasting 3-7 days. Ive never heard of the term "non-ovulating", but i would have to say it is the days that she isn't ovulating/fertile. Or maybe it refferrs to after menopause, when a woman no longer ovulates, making her infertile.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during your period on the last day?

Depending on the length of your cycle, ovulation day is often between the 14th and 16th day. It is most likely that you will get pregnant around this period since it is then that you are most fertile, but there is a small chance you could get pregnant on day 9 if you did not use a form of birth control, or the birth control failed to work properly.