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Q: What is the percentile of Eagle Scouts in Illinois vs. the population in Illinois?
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Are any singers eagle scouts?

Eagle scouts can be anything they want to be or can have any talent they want. -- There are a lot of former scouts who are singers, but doesn't look like Eagle Scouts. The links have lists of famous scouts who became singers.

Are most astronauts Eagle Scouts?

No, but many have been Scouts.

How many Apollo astronauts were eagle scouts?

181 NASA astronauts were involved in Scouting, and 39 are Eagle Scouts

What percentage of Eagle Scouts are Mormons?

The BSA has not released detailed statistics on Eagle Scouts by age, race, ethnicity or religion.

What percentage of population are eagle scouts?

The BSA states " Not every boy who joins a Boy Scout troop earns the Eagle Scout rank; only about 5 percent of all Boy Scouts do so. " In 2010 there were 898,186 Boy Scouts and 56,176 Eagle Scout awards presented, thus it would appear to be 6.2%. But male Venturers who earned First Class in a troop can continue to work towards Eagle Scout while in a crew. There were a total of 238,846 Venturers, but we don't know how many were eligible, but the percentage goes down. As of 2008 (the last year I have totals), there had been 83,486,083 Scouts since 1911 and 1,880,905 Scouts had earned Eagle Scout, making it 2.2% for the total.

What percentage of the American public are eagle scouts?

Approximately 4% of American men are Eagle Scouts. The overall percentage of the entire American public that are Eagle Scouts would be much lower, considering not all Americans are male and not all American males have been in the Boy Scouts of America.

How many Boy Scouts become an Eagle Scout at 15 years old?

The BSA has not released any data on Eagle Scouts by age.

Which state has the most Eagle Scouts?


Do Eagle Scouts go to space?

The United States has sent 312 people into space. 39 of them are or were Eagle Scouts. 207 of them had some scouting experience.

Why is the Illinois flag have an eagle on it?

The eagle is the symbol of America and Illinois choose it as well.

How many Eagle Scout awards by year?

About 2% of scouts make Eagle Scout

Are there any eagle scouts in big time rush?