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Around the equator the Sun rotates once every 24.47 days. However this number changes with latitude, because the Sun experiences what astronomers call differential rotation. This is because the Sun is not solid like the Earth but gaseous. At the poles the rotation period is longer, about 33.5 days.

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Q: What is the period of rotation of the sun about its own axis?
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If Uranus is pointing towards the sun what occurs at point x when the planet turns once on its axis?

The point would be in darkness for the complete rotation of the planet

How are days and nights caused?

The Earth rotates on an imaginary axis which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate on its axis. When we wake up it appears the Sun rises in the East and when we go to sleep it sets in the West. The Sun is not actually moving, it is the Earth which is rotating about its axis. The Earth also rotates around the Sun while it is rotating about its own axis. This axis gives us the Seasons. When the Earth's axis is pointing towards the Sun, the days are longer because we get sunlight for longer but when the Earth has rotated around to the other side of the Sun, the days get shorter because the axis is now pointing away from the Sun. The days gets shorter and the nights get longer. It takes the Earth 365 1/4 days to orbit the Sun. So we have only 365 days in a year and then every 4 years we have 366 days because we add the 1/4 to make a whole day. The moon rotates around the Earth, taking approximately 28 days, this gives us the phases of the moon.

What is the definition of rotation grade 4?

The earth spins or rotate from west to east on its axis it takes 24 hours or one day at the same time the earth is moving around the sun.

What is gravitational locking?

Gravitational locking Êrefers toÊ a situation on whichÊan object's rotational period matches its orbital period. For instance, it takes moon 28 days to rotate on its axis and 28 days for it to go around the sun.

Which word describes the motion of an object as it spins in space?

The Earth revolves about its axis (a 24 hour day).It also orbits the Sun in a more or less circular motion once every year(about 365 days).

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How do you get the ratio of earth's orbital period about the sun to the earth's period of rotation about its own axis?

The period of the earth's orbit around the sun is one year. The period of earth's orbit about its own axis is one day. If we estimate one year to be about 365 days, we simply get the ratio 365:1 as the ratio of the period of earth's orbit around the sun to that of earth's rotation about its own axis.

How many days does Venus revolve?

Venus' period of revolution around the Sun is 224.7 days.Its period of rotation about its own axis is 243 days, retrograde.

What is the sun's period of rotation?

The sun has two types of period of rotation, the sidereal rotation period and the synodic rotation period. The sidereal rotation period is 24.47 days. The synodic rotation period is 26.24 days.

What is the difference of a planets period of rotation and period of revolution?

The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.

What is the difference between period of revolution and rotation?

period rotation: 1 rotation of the earth(1 day) period revolution: 1 year around the sun

What are the types of motions of the earth?

Rotation on its own axis and Revolution around the Sun.

What is the difference between a planets period of rotation and period of revolution?

The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.

What is the difference between planets period of rotation and period of revolution?

The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.

What is the cause of the 24 hour day on earth?

the rotation of the earth around the sun. * * * * * No. It is the rotation of the earth on its own axis.

What is Saturn's rotation time around the moon?

Saturn does not orbit the moon, it orbits the sun. This is called its revolution, not its rotation. Saturn's period of rotation on its axis is 10 hours 33 minutes. Its period of revolution around the sun 29.45 years.

What are the rotation and revolution periods of earth?

Period of rotation on its axis: 23 hours 56 minutesPeriod of revolution around the sun: 365.25 days

Which kind of movement of the earth causes day and night?

The movement of Earth on its own axis is called Rotation and it causes day and night.