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it is a part of the human body that's all i know. :)

-Gaby greeff-

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Q: What is the peripheral in the human body?
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Related questions

How many peripheral nerves in the body are there?

A nerve is a bundle of individual neurons. There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the human body (about the same number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy), but there are only 214 nerves in the human body.

What is the function of the peripheral nerves?

The main function of the peripheral nerves is to connect the central nervous system to the limbs and organs of the human body. It is the connection that communicates between the brain and the limbs and tells them when and how to move.

In human anatomy what is opposite of peripheral?


In human anatomy what is PNS?

PNS stands for Peripheral Nervous System. The PNS connects the Central Nervous System (in the brain and spinal cord) to the rest of the body. It is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Where are neurons found in the human body apart from the brain and spinal cord?

In the nerves of the peripheral nervous system; 12 cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves.

Where in the human body are the only nerves that continually regenerate?

The peripheral nervous system has an intrinsic ability for repair. But not the central nervous system which includes the spinal cord and brain.

What is the communication headquarters of the body?

peripheral nervous system

Is peripheral a medical term?

Of or relating to the surface or outer part of a body or organ; external.

Two main neural tissues found in the human body?

Nervous tissue is one of the four basic building block tissues in the human body (epithelial, connective and muscle tissue being the other three). Nervous tissue exists either as part of the central nervous system (CNS; brain and spinal cord) or the peripheral nervous system (PNS; cranial and peripheral nerves and ganglia). I assume this is what your question refers to.

Are there two nervous systems in the human body?

Yes, the entire nervous system is classified into two types - A Central Nervous System (CNS) and a Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

Made up of nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body?

That would be the peripheral nervous system.

The _____ nervous system connects the CNS to the rest of the body.?
