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A dictator.

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Q: What is the person with absolute power over a country that has eighth letters in it?
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Who was a person has complete power and authority over a country?

A dictator or absolute monarch

What is the definition of sole ruler?

A person who is an absolute ruler of his country - for instance, Sultan Qaboos of Oman.

Who was the eighth person to live in the annexe?

Mr. Dussel became the eighth person to live in the annex.

What is a single person with all of the power?

Autocratic Dicktaker. a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by single person is a dicktaker.

Who was the eighth US vice president?

Martin Van Buren was the eighth person to serve as VP as well as the eighth president

How can you use autocracy in a sentence?

autocracy = a system of government by one person with absolute power, a country, state, or society governed in this way. She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy. Nazi Germany was an autocracy where absolute power was vested in one person, Adolf Hitler.

What is a dictaor?

A dictatorship means that the country is governed by a person who 'dictates' what the laws and policies of a country are, they have complete and unrestricted power. The citizens do not have a say in what happens in the country. There is no representation for or of the people with regards to laws and policies. It derives from the word "Dictate" which roughly means (in this context) to lay down authoritatively - or to read or speak to.

What term applies to a king or queen or emperor with total power?

absolute monarch

How are the ideas of totalitarianism and tsarism similar?

Totalitarianism is when a single party has control over the country. Tsarism is when the Czar has authority over everything in the country. Both ideas make one person or party in control of the entire country giving them absolute power.

The amendment that says a person can not be given cruel or unusual punishment?


Which amendment will be violated if a person was fine 10000 for parking ticket?


What was positive or negative about the 17th and 18th century for Europe Was it more positive or negative?

Absolute monarchy is when a country is ruled by one person. There are pros and cons when is comes toabsolute monarchy. I think that absolute monarchy was positive for Europe during the 17thand 18thcentury.I think that absolute monarchy was positive because it was easy to understand. It was easy to understandbecause it was ruled only by one person. Creating laws were quicker and simpler. It was also a lot stricterwith absolute monarchy with more rules.