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Q: What is the phase of mitosis dose the microtubules at eatheir and of a cell attach to the chromsomes and engagein a tug of war?
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What is responsible for moving chromsomes during mitosis?

microtubules or cytoskeleton (as in centrioles)

What stage of mitosis do Chromsomes first become visible?


How many chromsomes will be in the new body cells formed from mitosis?

46 in humans

Where do microtubules attach to chromosomes during mitosis?

kinetochore microtubules bind with spindle fibers.

Why does mitosis have to have microtubules in order to occur?

Mitosis require microtubules because they bind to the chromosomes and pull them to each pole of the cell. The cell can then divide with the respective chromosomes on separate halves of the cell.

In the telophase stage of mitosis microtubules gather along the cells equator The purpose of these microtubules is to?

is to : Assemble materials that will form the new cell wall.

In the telophase stage of mitosis microtubules gather along the cell's equator The purpose of these microtubules is to?

D. assemble materials that will form the new cell wall.

What organelle has two short microtubules at right angles and have an active role in mitosis?


What is the function of the centriole pair?

It organizes the microtubules in mitosis. The microtubules move the chromosomes around the cell during mitosis, most importantly lining the chromosomes up at the metaphase plate in metaphase so that they can split up into the two daughter cells.

Is the first phase of mitosis in which chromosomes condense and spindle microtubules begin to form.?

the phase of mitosis when chromosimes are ligned in the middle of the cell

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers?

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers that separates the chromosomes for mitosis or cell division. There are nine types of microtubules.

Are microtubules tubelike proteins?

Microtubules and microfilaments are cellular cytoskeletal networks. Microtubules are tubular proteins made by tubulin polymers. they have role in cell structure, cell movement, mitosis, gene regulation and so on.