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Q: What is the philosophy that strongly influenced Western modern portrayal of mankind?
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He was considered the father of Western philosophy: much of Western philosophy written since his time was influenced by his writings.

Why is Socrates important?

Socrates is important because he played a crucial role in the development of Western philosophy. He is known for his Socratic method of questioning, which aimed at stimulating critical thinking and self-examination. His teachings and ideas have had a lasting influence on philosophy and education.

Why is Socrates the Father of philosophy?

Socrates is considered the "Father of Philosophy" because he revolutionized philosophical inquiry by shifting the focus from natural philosophy to ethics and human behavior. His method of questioning, known as the Socratic method, laid the foundation for Western philosophy by emphasizing critical thinking and self-examination. Socrates' teachings influenced many subsequent philosophers, making him a central figure in the history of philosophy.

Compare oriental philosophy with western philosophy?

Oriental philosophy, such as Confucianism and Taoism, tends to focus on harmony with nature, balance, and self-cultivation. Western philosophy, including traditions like rationalism and empiricism, places emphasis on logic, reason, and individualism. Overall, oriental philosophy often highlights interconnectedness and spiritual growth, while western philosophy often emphasizes critical thinking and scientific inquiry.

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Was our western influenced by the wise Greeks ?

One little known fact about socrates?

One little-known fact about Socrates is that he was a skilled hoplite soldier during his youth and fought in several battles, including the Peloponnesian War.

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Western art criticism focuses on theory and philosophy.

Father of western philosophy?


Which period of history influenced the classical greek and Romans?

The Romans were very influenced by the ancient Greeks, along with some inspiration from cultures of the Far East. The Greco-Roman ideals concerning philosophy, society, and culture have served as a foundation for Western culture and community as a whole.

Who is often called 'The Father of Philosophy'?

Thales of Miletus is often referred to as "The Father of Philosophy," as he was one of the first individuals in ancient Greece to seek natural explanations for phenomena rather than attributing them to the actions of gods. Thales is considered one of the early pre-Socratic philosophers who laid the foundation for the Western philosophical tradition.

What is often called the father of philosophy?

Socrates is the called the Father of western philosophy.

What fundamental ideas and institutions of western civilization in Greece?

Qualities of individualism, humanism as well as democracy and our own current legal and political systems can trace their roots back to the ancient Greeks. In addition, their contributions to science, philosophy, art, architecture and literature influenced the Roman Empire and all of western civilization.