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Q: What is the physical evidence that Waknuk had an earlier civilization?
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What caused the destruction of Waknuk in the Chrysalids?

The community of Waknuk is never destroyed. Many of the people from Waknuk are destroyed when they pursue the telepaths into the Fringes, but the community of Waknuk remains.

The Chrysalids Why can't the people from the Fringes live in the Waknuk society?

The people from the fringwes can't live in the Waknuk society because they are deviational. In other words, they are not like other people who are a norm in Waknuk.

Why did grandfather storm come to waknuk?

because he is cool dog

What makes a deviant in the Chrysalids novel?

In "The Chrysalids," a deviant is someone who displays physical deformities or mutations that are deemed as abnormal by the society of Waknuk. These individuals are seen as impure and are often ostracized or even killed to maintain the purity of the human gene pool according to the Waknuk community's strict religious beliefs.

What are the ethics and morals in John Windham's the Chrysalids?

Ethics are what you should do , and shouldn't do. The ethics comes from repentance. the ethics taught the people in Waknuk that Tribulation was sent by God because of the 'irreligious arrogance' behaviour of the old people. Because of this, God sent tribulation. Now the waknuk people believed that if they seek for forgiveness from God ,He would return them the restoration of the Golden age. This is also the reason why the Waknuk's community is know for its purity.

Where do the fringe people think the devils dwells?

The people of the Fringes think that the devil dwells in Waknuk.

What is the badlands in the chrysalids?

The badlands is a place where the fringes people, when sterilised are sent to, to live apart from the people of Waknuk. In the time of the Old People, a nuclear bomb was dropped on what is now known as the Badlands, causing the land to become infertile. Nothing that is the norm of Waknuk can grow in the Badlands because this bomb was dropped.

Who was allan from the chrysalids?

Allan discovered Sophie had six toes when David and Sophie were fishing for shrimps. This led the Wenders to flee Waknuk.

In the novel the Chrysalids what happens to Mark after David leaves Waknuk?

After David leaves Waknuk, Mark is captured and tortured by the authorities as they try to extract information about David and his group. He refuses to give up any information and ultimately dies as a martyr for the cause of preserving their way of life.

What is common between the chrysalids compared to World War 2?

Well.... The mutants in the chrysalids were driven out of Waknuk into the Fringes because of their appearance in which there was a large chance they could die. This shows that the people of Waknuk basically wanted to drive anything that they thought was not "Pure" or "Right" simply out of their living area. Similar to this, the Natzis did the same thing during World War II to the Jews, although this was not mainly due to their appearance. The case during world war II was a bit more extreme though seeing as the Natzis were killing the Jews because it was their belief that they should not be part of the population, just like the people of Waknuk think about the deviations and mutants in 'The Chrysalids' All in all, both events are similar to each other because they both encounter a population or leading group that does not approve of a certain feature on a person, weather its physical or not, and they try to drive them out of their lives.

What are the rules of the waknuk society in the book Chrisalids?

In the book "The Chrysalids," the society of Waknuk follows strict religious rules that emphasize purity and conformity. They believe in purging mutations, known as deviations, to maintain a perfect image of God's creation. Those who do not adhere to these rules are ostracized or exiled, as differences are seen as a threat to society.

What is Nicholson's repentances?

assuming you are talking about The Chrysalids, it is a book that the people of Waknuk treat like the bible. It basically states a bunch of different guidelines for them to follow.