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Q: What is the physical interpretation of continuity equeation of charges?
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Can you be charged with drug furnishing charges if no possession charges or physical evidence or prior convictions?

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Does Medicare pay for physical fitness for Seniors For instance Curves If so how does that work?

it pays service charges u can receive charges by claiming under this plan

How many days does a minor have to press charges against another minor for beating him up?

Physical assault likely has a 1 to 2 year statue. However, if you do not press charges within a few days, physical evidence will fade away and witnesses' memories fade too. The minor would not bring charges-- the parent(s) would.

How does the African Bull elephant charge?

When it gets angry it decides to get physical and charges at it's opposing enemy.

What is inspection cost?

The fee that a licensed property inspector charges for determining the current physical condition of the property.

What is the average cost of a physical?

I just got a bill for $1,001.00! $516 for the doctor, and the rest lab charges.

Can you press charges on maternal grandparent for kidnapping your kid?

Kidnapping charges can be brought against anyone who does not have legal or physical custody of that person. Grandparent, parent, second cousin twice-removed, does not matter.

What is the penalty for pulling someones hair?

Pulling someone's hair is a physical battery on a person. It can lead to criminal charges.

Is a conductor of energy a physical or chemical change?

The conductor of energy is not a physical change. The conduction of energy happens due to a chemical bonding of specific metals. A conductor of energy produces a flow of electrical charges.

What was the Fair Employment Practices Committee?

Fair Employment Practices Committee investigated charges of discrimination in army or work places.

Can you sue parents for physical abuse on a school bus?

In most of the world, no, but you can press charges for assault. In the USA, you can probably sue them for anything you like.

What defense does Socrates offer against the charges of impiety and corruption of Athen's youth?

What defense does Socrates offer against the charges of impiety and corruption of Athens's youth? Socrates had two kinds of charges against him. 1) The Informal charges: He lead youth to investigate the physical world, so that they would not believe in the gods. He was accused of intentionally using bad arguments to do this. He was also accused of taking money for teaching others how to use this bad reasoning. 2) The Formal Charges: He was charged with corrupting the minds of the youth, and introducing them to new gods. Socrates defense to these charges were: 1) Socrates claimed that he had no interest in physical speculation, so he could not lead the youth to investigate the physical world. 2) He also claimed that he never accepted money from any one, and the young followed of their own will. I am not familiar with the second question, so I suggest that you post it again as a separate question and let someone else answer it. Good Luck!