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It would be a solid at 20C

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Q: What is the physical state of tin at 20 degrees celisius?
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Related questions

What is the state matter of tin?

Tin is a metal that is solid at room temperature. It melts and becomes a liquid at 449 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is tin a physical or chemical change?


Is melting copper with tin to form bronze chemical change?

By melting the two metals and putting them together, you are creating an alloy, a homogenous mixture. The process does not change any atoms, so it is not a chemical reaction, but a physical change.

Is tin a solid a liquid or a gas at room temperature?

The state of matter of tin at room temperature is a solid. Tin is classified as a metal. It is in group 14 in period 5.

Is tin a gas liquid or a solid?

tin is a solid because of its form of matter. also the state of matter at room temp. is a solid too because room temp. is like 70 degrees

How many degrees to melt tin?

The melting point of tin is 231.9 deg C.

Is tin a physical property or a chemical?

Examples: valence (II or IV), soluble in acids and alkalis.

What is the physical and chemical properties of tin?


What are some physical and chemical characteristics of tin carbon?

Physical: carbon is a non-metal and tin is a metal (both are solids at 25 Celsius) Chemical: carbon and tin both have 4 valence electrons.

Does tin have a high or low boiling point?

Tin has a relatively low boiling point. It boils at around 2,603 degrees Celsius or 4,717 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why is SnF2 stannous fluoride?

because tin is in +2 oxidation state (lower oxidation state of tin)

What temperature does tin melt at?

The melting point of the metal tin is 449.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 231.9 Celsius. Tin is considered a heavy metal.