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Q: What is the plot of The Story of Arachne the Weaver by James Baldwin?
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What tone and mood effect story arachne?

The tone of the story "Arachne" is one of rivalry and defiance, as it portrays a contest between the mortal weaver Arachne and the goddess Athena. The mood of the story shifts from admiration for Arachne's skill to a sense of foreboding as Athena punishes her by transforming her into a spider. Ultimately, the mood becomes cautionary, warning against hubris and challenging the gods.

What is a good report on the story of Arachne and Athena?

I'm studying Athena and I think this is Good: Arachne was a mortal who was an amazing weaver. She once told an old woman that she thought she was a better weaver than the goddess of weaving, Athena, herself. When Athena heard about what Arachne said, she became extremely angry. Athena came to Arachne in the form of an old woman, and warned her not to compare herself to the great goddess Athena. Arachne continued to believe she was the better weaver. Athena then challenged Arachne to a weaving contest, and of course she accepted. Athena weaved a tapestry showing Mount Olympus. Arachne's tapestry consisted of the twelve major gods. Arachne's tapestry was chosen as the best. Athena, in her rage, destroyed Arachne's tapestry, and turned Arachne into the world's first spider, and the treads of the tapestry into spider silk.

What is the climax of arachne story?

what is the answer for #1 for the story Arachne

What is one interesting story about Athena?

My personal favorite story about Athena would be the story of Arachne. Arachne was an incredibly gifted weaver and thought she was better than Athena, the patron goddess of weaving. So, Athena came and challenged her to a weaving battle as an old woman. When the challenge started Athena revealed herself and both made flawless pieces. Athena was angry at Arachne because of the skill displayed and touched Arachne's head and she felt full guilt. Arachne then killed herself. Athena felt bad about this and brought Arachne back as spiders and so her skill would live on forever in spiders.

What is the falling action in the story of arachne?

In the story of Arachne, the falling action occurs after Arachne and Athena have their weaving contest. Athena, angered by Arachne's hubris, transforms her into a spider. Arachne, now a spider, continues to weave intricate webs for eternity as a punishment from Athena.

Who were Arachne's parents?

Arachne's parents are never named. The importance of the story isn't who she was, but rather what she did.

What is the climax in the story arachne?

The climax of the story "Arachne" occurs when Arachne challenges Athena to a weaving contest and creates a tapestry that insults the gods. Athena then reveals herself and challenges Arachne to a contest of skill. After Arachne's tapestry surpasses Athena's in beauty, Athena transforms her into a spider out of anger.

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A story for man versus gods?

The story of Arachne vs. Athena

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The story of the authors relationship with his father is interwoven with the general story of race relations in harlem

What are some details in the story that will prove that arachnes pride is the reason for her downfall?

In the story of Arachne, her pride is evident in her boastful claim that she is a better weaver than the goddess Athena. This pride leads her to challenge Athena to a weaving contest, which ultimately results in her being transformed into a spider as punishment for her arrogance. Additionally, Arachne's refusal to acknowledge Athena's superiority and her insistence on her own skills further demonstrate her excessive pride.

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