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Q: What is the plural for pencil sharpener?
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How do you spell pencil sharpener in french language?

A pencil sharpener is "un taille-crayon" (masculine noun) in French, plural "des taille-crayons".

How do you say sharpener in french?

If it's a pencil-sharpener, un taille-crayons.

Cone shaped science item?

The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.The tip of a sharpened pencil; the pencil-sharpener; some lamps.

What is el sacapuntas in English?

Un sacapuntas is a pencil sharpener

What is a make-up pencil sharpener?

a sharpener is a Georgina and a pencil is a peens so wen a pencil gos in to a sharpener it is a peens going into a Georgina

What is a taille-cragon?

un taille-crayon (plural: des taille-crayons) is a pencil sharpener in French.

How do you spell pencil sharpener in Spanish?

Translation: ¿Puedes usar el sacapuntas? = Can you use the pencil-sharpener? Puedo usar el sacapuntas? = Can I use the pencil-sharpener? Se puede usar el sacapuntas = Can you ('one') use the pencil-sharpener?

What year did john love invent the pencil sharpener?

the pencil sharpener was made in 1828

Is a pencil sharpener a kind of pulley?

No, a pencil sharpener is not any kind of pulley.

How do you say a pencil sharpener in French?

A pencil sharpener is un taille-crayon in French.

What is the word in spanish for sharpener?

Pencil sharpener is sacapuntas

What is the spanish word for sharpener?

sacapuntas - pencil sharpener