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It may very well be that they are Christians. Remember that even Adolph Hitler was a Christian, even if not a very good one, yet he was one of the most evil men in history.

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Q: What is the point of the KKK calling themselves Christians?
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What does the KKK gain by calling themselves Christians?

A sense of justification. Also support from people who follow that tag and don't know any better.

Do the KKK consider themselves religious?

They are Christian

Why does the KKK claim they are Christianity?

So they can appeal to Christians (and other people) and get more followers.

Did the KKK have a leader?

The leader of the KKK is known as the Grand Wizard or the Imperial Wizard. James Colescott was the last leader of the KKK, who dissolved the organization in the 1940s to satisfy a half million dollar tax lien. David Duke was one Grand Wizard of the KKK of Louisiana, sort of a resurrected Klan group. More recently this KKK leader is known as the "National Director." There are now dozens of independent splinter groups calling themselves the Ku Klux Klan, so there is no one single leader over all.

Where do the KKK meet?

The national meeting point is in London Kentucky.

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How did the 19th century KKK start?

They started in an abandoned courthouse in Paluski on Christmas Eve 1865. College students started a club that wanted their slaves back and they called themselves the KKK

What is the link between the KKK and right wing Christians?

The KKK was for white supremacy, anti equal & civil rights. Anti women's rights to vote. They were reactionary and racist people. They wanted to go back to the "good ol' days."

What are the ways that the KKK has changed the world?

the kkk changed history becuase of segregation. Segeration is were they sepreated blacks from whites. Once the brown vs. Board of edicuation happend they got along.

Why is k k k racist?

The KKK were really a group of people that believe that the white race is the greatest race and there thoughts make themselves raciest and because the KKK were raised to be white supporters

Is david duke a racist?

absolutely, he was (maybe he still is) a head dragon of the KKK or whatever these goons call themselves!