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Zloty is the Polish currency

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15y ago

yes, złoty

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Q: What is the polish currency called?
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What was polish money called?

Polish currency IS called Zloty

What is the name of the polish money?

The currency of Poland is called the Polish Zloty, abbreviated as PLN.

What is Poland's dollar called?

there's no such currency as polish dollar

What is Name of polish currency?

The country has its own currency called the "zloty" which is the nation's legal tender.

Where is the money in polish?

The currency in Poland is called the Zloty. At present, it is one of the strongest monies in Europe.

What does the unit currency of Poland mean?

The Polish currency, it's the money they use.

What is currency for currency zł?

IT used to be the polish currency before they join the euro union it was pronouced zvoti

What does zloty the Poland unit of currency mean?

The Polish currency, it's the money they use.

Can you use US money in Poland?

No, you can't use US money in Poland. The only currency which is allowed is polish zloty, which is Polish currency. There are a lot of exchange places where you can exchange your money into Polish money tough. :)

What is the name of the Polish currency?

The national currency of Poland is Zloty.

Is it best to get polish currency or euros?

It is best to get Polish currency (Polish zloty) when traveling to Poland to avoid potentially higher exchange rates and fees when using euros. Most businesses in Poland prefer to be paid in zloty, so having the local currency will be more convenient for transactions.

What currency does the polish use?

The Polish use Złoty (Golden) and Euro. Some countries like Poland, for example the UK, Czech Republic, Sweden don't use Euro, but you can pay in Euro ang get your change in zloty. In practice it's much easier to change some money to Polish Złoty and use it.