

What is the polyatomic ion oxide?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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The polyatomic ion for oxide what is it?

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Q: What is the polyatomic ion oxide?
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Is oxide polyatomic ion?

No, oxide is just an oxygen ion. The formula is just O(-2 charge), hence not a polyatomic ion. Hydoxide on the other hand is a polyatomic ion, formula being OH(-1 charge)

A what is a group of atoms?

A polyatomic ion.

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The polyatomic ion is the ammonium ion, NH4^+

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The polyatomic ion is a carbonate ion, with formula CO3-2.

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The polyatomic ion is a carbonate ion, with formula CO3-2.

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Ionic with a polyatomic ion.

Polyatomic ion vs. covalent compound?

A polyatomic ion is similar to a covalent compound in as much as the atoms in the polyatomic ion are covalently bound, and it is a compound, but it has a charge. Hence it is an ION.

The polyatomic ion repersented by the forula no2- is the?

The polyatomic ion represented by the formula NO2- is the nitrite ion.

What is a charged group of covalently bonded atoms called?

A group of covalently bonded atoms that acts together as one charged atom is called a polyatomic ion. It is also known as molecular ion.

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Polyatomic ion in the compound Na2O2 is known as peroxide. Such polyatomic ion contains two or more atoms covalently bonded.