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Q: What is the population density for most of the Sahara?
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Why is the density of population in the Sahara desert low?

Its harder to live there.

Population density in Sub-Saharan Africa is it high or low?

population in the sub-sahara of africa

Most of Africa's population is located in what part of the Sahara?

Most of the population lives in the north part of the Sahara, near the Mediterranean.

What is the Sahara desert's population density?

The population of the Sahara Desert is sparse as its to hot in the day and very cold in the evenings. There is very little water to sustain a comfortable life.

What is the population of Kul Nabi Sahara?

Kul Nabi Sahara's population is 73.

What is the population density of Whatì?

I believe you have that back to front. -I think you mean "what is the density of population "Population density is concerning how many people live in a square mile or in a square km.For instance, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Manhattan all have many many people living in a small area, so they are said to have 'high population density. -At the opposite end, places like the Sahara Desert, Mongolia and the centre of Australia have few people living in a vast area. They have 'low population density.'

How do most population maps show the number of people in an area?

A Population density.

What is the population density of the tropical rainforest?

The population density of the tropical rainforest will vary depending on the location. In most cases, the human population is quite scarce but the population of animals is high.

Density map of Russia?

A population density map of Russia can be found at most local libraries. Many geography books will have population density maps for each country.

What is India's population density?

According to the Population Reference Bureau, in 2011 (the most recent figures), Australia's population density was 3 people per square kilometre.

What is the desert's population density?

Many hot deserts, such as the Sahara or Kalahari desert, have a population density of roughly 2-10 people per sq km. However some European deserts such as the Thar and Arabian cann have a population density of up to 100 people/sq km. Large cold deserts such as Antarctica and the Gobi desert have no permanent population and have a population completely made up of temporary settlers or scientists conducting research. ya

Most of Africa's population is located in the area of the Sahara known as sub-Saharan Africa?

South .