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The population of Bank of the West is 10,700.

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Q: What is the population of Bank of the West?
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Related questions

What is Bank of the West's population?

The population of Bank of the West is 2,008.

How many people live in the Israeli West Bank settlements?

In 2011 according to CBS there were 327,750 Israelis living in the west bank and an additional 190,000 living in East Jerusalem. The combined growth rate for the Jewish population in these areas was 5.2% and has been stable for the past 20 years, whereas the Arab population of the west bank grows at the rate of 2.0%. By these projections the Jewish population is set to become the majority in the West Bank within 45 years

How many people live the West Bank?

In total it's estimated that around 2,000,000 people live in the west bank of these 17% are Jewish, 8% Christian and 75% Muslim While reliable census data exists for the Jewish (and other Israelis) population which stands at 325,750 as of 2011, there is no such reliable data for the Arab population. A study issued by the Begin-Sadat Strategic Studies estimates the Arab population in the West Bank to be about 1.5 million while higher estimates place it closer to 2.5 million (but this includes East Jerusalem which is part of Israel proper and residents there have Israeli citizenship) The Jewish population growth rate stood at 5.2% in 2011 while that of the Arab population stood at 2.0%

What is the main thing that has happened in the West Bank?

The main "event" in the West Bank is that there is a struggle between the Israeli Military Authority, the Israeli civilian settlers, the Palestinian Municipal Government, and the Palestinian civilian population as to how the West Bank will be run and who gets to enforce their will on the remaining three groups.

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What is the difference between Israel and the West Bank?

The West bank passed like a hot rock, through the fortunes of war. It has passed from Ottoman to British to Jordanian to Israeli control after the 1967. Now to a semi autonomous. The population of the West Bank is Arab/Muslim as opposed to that of Israel which is predominantly Jewish. The West Bank is a HOT piece of real estate effectively cutting Israel in half leaving but a narrow strip. An expanding Israeli population has been making inroads into the West Bank. The two populations are very different as far as culture, ethnicity, religion, hopes and aspirations go leaving a gap hard to bridge.

When was Bank West created?

Bank West was created in 2002.

When was Bank of the West created?

Bank of the West was created in 1874.

What is the tax id number of bank of the west?

Bank Of The West

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