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The population of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is 1,600,000,000.

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Q: What is the population of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation?
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What is Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's population?

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's population is 2,011.

When was Organisation of Islamic Cooperation created?

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation was created on 1969-09-25.

Where is the organisation of Islamic cooperation located?

Jeddah KSA

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Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was created in 1996.

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The United Nations, The African Union, The Arab League, The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the Non-Aligned Movement; as well as an observer in the World Trade Organization.

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Noor Ahmad Baba has written: 'Organisation of Islamic Conference' -- subject(s): Organisation of Islamic Conference, Panislamism, Politics and government

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What countries are the religion of Muslim found?

there are more than 55 counties in an organisation called oic (organisation of Islamic ) countries . other than these there are many other countries like us UK France India etc where there is sizable Muslim population.