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The margin

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Q: What is the portions of a printed page outside the main body of the printed document?
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Related questions

Are those portions of a printed page outside the main body of the printed document always blank when printed?

Some books and documents have blank pages outside of the main body of the them and some don't. The ones that do would have the blank pages in every copy unless it was a printing error.

What do we call a text printed at the top of each page in a document?

They are known as the Header (top) and the Footer (bottom). Unless enabled, they do not appear on the printed page, and are outside the page body area that can contain printable text. Use Word's Help for more instructions.

What is the purpose of a document body?

The purpose of a document body is to organize and format information on a document correctly. A document body is a default to a blank word document on Microsoft Word.

The body is divided into anterior and posterior portions by the?


Where are Pinks tattoos printed?

on her body

The coronal plane divides the body into?

Anterior and posterior portions. It divides the body into front and back portions.

What is margin in word processor?

the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter.

What are the 2 major portions of the body?

the nervous and endocrine system

A transverse plane divides the body into?

Superior and inferior portions

What divides the plane into right and left portions?

The sagittal planed divide the body into left and right portions, and specifically the midsagittal plane divides the body into equal left and right halves.

Marks the beginning and end of the body of an HTML document?

document  and

What divides the body into anterior and posterior portions?

The body is divided into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions by the frontal (coronal) plane. This plane runs vertically from side to side and divides the body into front and back halves.