

What is the positive charges?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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Ardella Ernser

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Positive charges refer to particles or objects that have an excess of protons compared to electrons, resulting in an overall positive electrical charge. Examples of positive charges include protons in the nucleus of an atom, and ions formed when an atom loses electrons.

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Q: What is the positive charges?
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What is total positive charges and negative are equal?

When the total positive charges are equal to the total negative charges in an atom or a molecule, the overall charge is neutral. This means that the number of protons (positive charges) is equal to the number of electrons (negative charges), resulting in a balanced electrical charge.

What effect will one positive charge have on another positive charge?

Two positive charges will repel each other due to the electrostatic force being positive. This force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges, meaning that as they get closer, the repulsive force will increase.

3 positive charges and 4 negative charges what is the overall charge of an atom?

If an atom has 3 positive charges (protons) and 4 negative charges (electrons), the 3 positive charges would "cancel out" 3 negative charges, with one negative charge left over. So the atom would have a charge of -1.

Their respective charges are?

Positive, negative, neutral

Nesreen walks across a carpet in her socks and then reaches for the doorknob Her hand contains positive charges What will happen to the positive charges in the doorknob just before she touches it?

The positive charges in Nesreen's hand will repel the positive charges in the doorknob, causing a slight accumulation of positive charges in the area of the doorknob closest to her hand. This repulsion will create a small spark when she touches the doorknob, equalizing the charge between her hand and the doorknob.

Related questions

Do positive objects contain only positive charges?

No, positive objects can contain a mix of positive and negative charges. For example, in an atom, the nucleus contains positive protons while the surrounding electron cloud contains negative electrons.

Will positive and positive repel or attract?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

What type of particles gather near the bottom of clouds before energy is released as lightning?

the answer is both positive and negitive charges and that is because to make lighting it has to be positive and negitive charges because if there is both 2 negitive charges will both repel and the same thing will happen to positive charges but when positive and negitive charges and positive charges will attract

Why does positive and positive charges repels in a cell?

Because like charges repel each other.

Atoms have higher number of positive charges than negative charges?

the positive number of a atom

What causes a substance to have a positive charge?

the object has to have more positive charges than negative charges.

What is a continuous flow of positive charges called?

The continuous flow of positive charges is called current

Does wool have a negative or positive charge?

both because every object has both positive and negative charges but mainly has positive charges.

Will positive and positive attract or repel?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

What are different types of charges?

the different types of charges are positive and negative charges

What is a positive charge plus a positive charge?

Two positive charges.

Does current electricity have positive and negative charges?

No electric charges may be positive or negative - electrons have a negative charge; ions have a positive charge.