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Democracy, public education, and equal rights among girls and boys

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*Filipinos were fluent in English

*Learn how to dance western dance

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Q: What are the positive effect of colonization by American in the different parts of the world?
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What are the effects of Spanish colonization to the Philippines and the negative and positive contributions?

one of the effect of the Spanish colonization in the phiippines is the abolition of slavery ,

Which was not an economic effect of colonization?

Which of the following was not an economic effect of colonization? Global economic development

What effect did colonization have on Zimbabwe?

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What country had the greatest effect on Latin American culture?

Spain had the greatest effect on Latin American culture due to its colonization of the region during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Spanish language, religion, architecture, and customs all played a significant role in shaping the cultural identity of many Latin American countries.

What is a lasting effect of the French colinization?

A lasting effect of the French colonization is that some Canadians still speak french language

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The Dutch "Ethical Policy" had the interesting effect of increasing a strong sense of Indonesian pride.

What effect did colonization have on the Buffalo of North America?

It wiped them out. Less than 1% survived.

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hi theiars no such thing by

Positive and nagitive effect of hotel?

`the positive effect is that we can stay there for emergency and the negative is that it might not be hygienic

Is the plankton effect on the environment positive or negative?


What does positive and negative effects mean?

A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.

What are the positive effects of mining?

one positive effect of mining is you get some needed & not needed resources